Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Paul Miller
The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Chapter and Verse Edition - Volume 3

The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Chapter and Verse Edition - Volume 3

Volume three of a three volume version of the Sherlock Holmes canon in which specific sentences can be referenced easily, modelled on the chapter and verse system of the Christian Bible. It is principally based upon the version of the stories supplied by the wonderful website. Using Jay Finley Christ's already established four-letter system for each of the sixty stories, Holmesians may now add digits representing chapter and verse. Using this method the first sentence of the second chapter of A Study In Scarlet may be given as simply "STUD 2:1" instead of having to write out the whole sentence: "We met next day as he had arranged, and inspected the rooms at No. 221b, Baker Street, of which he had spoken at our meeting." Stories which do not contain chapters will be referred to as a whole as chapter 1. The Yellow Face, for example, runs in its entirety from YELL 1:1 up to YELL 1:449. The Chapter and Verse Holmes may also be downloaded for free from I don't make a penny from these Amazon versions - they are listed for the bare minimum price - so don't feel bad about downloading it instead of buying it. Only buy it if it makes your life easier.
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