The Bee Sting A Novel


Will forever be haunted by this book <3

I loved this book so much, each chapter and story unique and intertwined. I felt I was there with all of them. I will read again in the future.

the best audiobook i’ve ever listened to

Aunt Rose must be based on Paul Murray because the only way you could write this is if you're a clairvoyant witch

I read this so long ago and I don’t think I have stopped thinking about it yet. The whole story, the construction of the plot, the depth oft he characters, the relationships between the girls, the layers. I honestly feel like I need to read it again all the time now that I know the end to try and work it out more. It’s going to challenge you, it is ambitious, it’s a web and a half, and it’s worth it in my opinion.
Cw: domestic violence, poverty, sexual assault, extortion, conspiracy, death, homophobia, grief, cheating, loss, abuse.

There is no book like this book
And if there is
Can someone please tell me about it
So I can read it

Beautiful and devastating. I flew through this (despite the page count).


History, the boy scoffed. He waved a hand at the Elizabethan grandeur surrounding them. History's just a pair of knickers. Pull ‘em off and what do you find?
Dickie had no response to this. The boy's eyes, bloated through the thick lenses, gleamed at him gleefully. Nature, he said, answering his own question. Nothing but nature. The repulsively perfect lips smirked with satisfaction, and he added in conclusion, And it's absolutely filthy.