Cyprus Crustal Study Project

Cyprus Crustal Study Project Initial Report, Holes CY-2 and 2a

Because they are portions of the ancient oceanic lithosphere, ophiolites present a full stratigraphy of the oceanic crust and part of the earth's upper mantle. The Cyprus Crustal Study Project to investigate the Troodos ophiolite was approved in 1980 and was conceived as an integrated petrological, structural and geophysical study, involving both field mapping and diamond drilling. From 1980-82, field studies were started and drilling begun, continuing until March 1985 at three sites, at which 5 holes were drilled. This report presents a series of papers, with abstracts, on various aspects of the Project, including field relations, lithological description, petrography and mineralogy, geochemistry, paleomagnetic and rock magnetic properties, physical properties and other geophysical data, and a summary, data tables and core log description.
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