Business Plans for Dummies, 2nd Ed

Business Plans for Dummies, 2nd Ed

Complete with diverse techniques and approaches plus a sample business plan, Business Plans For Dummies gives you detailed information on how-to design a dynamic, business plan that will keep you on course in spite of the inevitable curves and detours in today s marketplace. This book helps you keep your businesses on track and reach your goals. · Preparing To Do A Business Plan · Understanding The Importance Of A Business Plan · Setting Off In The Right Direction · Charting The Proper Course · Examining The Business Environment · Slicing And Dicing Markets · Getting Better Acquainted With Customers · Checking Out Your Competition · Assessing Where You Stand Today · Making Money Doing What You Do Best · Figuring Out The Financial Details · Forecasting And Budgeting · Managing Uncertainty · Thinking Strategically · Growing Up And Growing Bigger · Shaping Your Organization · Leading The Way · Ten Signs That Your Business Plan Needs Refreshing · Ten Questions To Ask About Your Plan Ten Business-Planning Never-Evers
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