German Phrases for Dummies
German Phrases For Dummies provides readers with basic language instruction that will enable them to converse with others. The book uses real-world phrases extensively to illustrate grammatical concepts and provide opportunities to practice new-found skills. The real-world phrases also serve as a tool for readers who don't really want to learn the language but want some common phrases that allow them to communicate with others on a basic level.· I Say It How? Speaking German· Grammar on a Diet: Just the Basics· Numerical Gumbo: Counting of All Kinds· Making New Friends and Enjoying Small Talk· Enjoying a Drink and a Snack (or Meal!)· Shop til You Drop· Making Leisure a Top Priority· When You Gotta Work· Getting Around: Transportation· Finding a Place to Lay Your Weary Head· Dealing with Emergencies· Ten Favorite German Expressions· Ten Phrases That Make You Sound Like a Local