

** spoiler alert ** surprisingly i actually liked this book, it's kinda a wattpad book of 2016 but it was still good the character where meh, but THE BEST FRIEND, girl I can't I hate her so much

so… i re-read FOR THE 3RD TIME istg- the chokehold that this series has on me, it's just perfect. - "Jared was one side of a magnet, never flipping over to accommodate anyone. He was what he was. Everyone else either had a pull to him or was pushed away from him, and the flow of a room reflected this. There was a time when Jared and I were inseparable, like the positive sides of the magnets." - ""So, this boy I was friends with... at the time, he packed a lunch for us and took me to the cemetery one day. I was pretty mad when I realized where he was taking me, but he told me that I should be happy that my mom was there. He said it's the prettiest, quietest place in town. He was really understanding and patient. We sat near my mom's grave and ate our lunch, listened to a radio he brought. He had me laughing in no time. We stayed a while, even after the rain started. Now, it's one of my favorite places to go. Because of him.?"(...)As awful as Jared had become, and now how terrible I'd become, I still treasured that memory. I smiled every time I thought of what he'd done for me that day. He gave me a little of my mom back." - " "Just because we hung out when I was a tween doesn't mean we were into each other like that. We were just friends,"(...) The way you two always had your heads together, the way he would look at you when you didn't know it... and the way he would sneak over for sleepovers."(...)From as early in our friendship as I could remember, Tared would climb through the tree between our bedrooms and sneak through my French doors." - ""I like storms,""Thunder, torrential rain, puddles, wet shoes. When the clouds roll in, I get filled with this giddy expectation."(...)My smile spread with the memories. Memories of Jared and me. "On sunny days, as a girl, I could still wake up to that thrilled feeling. You made me giddy with expectation, just like a symphonic rainstorm. You were a tempest in the sun, the thunder in a boring, cloudless sky.""I remember I'd shovel in my breakfast as fast as I could, so? could go knock on your door. Wed play all day, only comine home for food and sleep. We played hide and seek, youd push me on the swing, or wed climb trees. Being your sidekick gave me? sense of home again."(...) "You see""when I was ten, my mom died. She had cancer, and I lost her before I really knew her. My world felt so insecure, and I was scared. You were the person that turned things right again. With you, I became courageous and free. It was like the part of me that died with my mom came back when I met you, and I didn't hurt anymore. Nothing hurt if I knew I had you.""Then one day, out of the blue, I lost you, too. The hurt returned, and I felt sick when I saw you hating me. My rainstorm was gone, and you became cruel. There was no explanation. You were just gone. And my heart was ripped open. I missed you. I missed my mom.""What was worse than losing you was when you started to hurt me. Your words and actions made me hate coming to school. The made me uncomfortable in my own home." "Everything still hurts, but I know none of it is my fault. There are a lot of words that I could use to describe you, but the only one that includes sad, angry, miserable, and pitiful is 'coward.' In a year, I'll be gone, and you'll be nothing but some washout whose height of existence was in high school." - "You were my tempest, my thunder cloud, my tree in the downpour. I loved all of those things, and I loved you. But now? You're a fucking drought. I thought that all the assholes drove German cars, but it turns out that pricks in Mustangs can still leave scars." - ""There's only one other person who I'd even slightly trust driving my car." (...) If he thought I'd do him any favors, he was crazy." - "You know how hard this is for me." He looked away and then back again. "I need you" - ""He has to ask to me nicely.""He has to say 'please," "Tatum.""Would you ride with me, please?" - "I noticed what lared had hung on his rearview mirror. I reached out and grabbed the oval-shaped piece of clay, secured by a light green ribbon. Heat crept up on my neck, and my throat tightened. It was the Mother's Day necklace I'd made for my mom after she'd died. Jared and I had made fossils of our fingerprints one year to give to our moms. Using air dry clay, we made a thumbprint and hung the small oval piece from a ribbon, making a necklace. He gave his to his mom, and I had put mine on my mom's grave. The next time I'd visited her, the necklace was gone. I figured it was lost or the weather had worn it away. Turns out it was stolen. Looked to Jared, partly puzzled and partly angry, "Good luck charm, he offered, not meeting my eyes. "I took it a couple of davs after you left it there. I thought it would be stolen or ruined. Kind of had it with me ever since." - "You know why you don't like this? Because you're not like them, Tate. You never were. Why do you think I kept everyone away from you?" (...) "Why did you keep everyone away from me?" "Because vou didn't belong with the rest of us. You still don't." - "Why do you hate me?" "Hate you?"" I never hated you." - "What was your problem with me?" "Because you were there. Because I couldn't hurt who I wanted to hurt, so I hurt you."(...) "I wanted to hate everybody. But with you, I still needed you in a way. I needed you to not forget me." - ""You were never clingy or a nuisance, Tate. The day you moved in next door I thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen I fucking loved you." "Your dad was unloading the moving truck, and I looked out my living-room window to see what the noise was. There you were, riding your bike in the street. You were wearing overalls with a red baseball cap. Your hair was spilling down your back." - ""You're racing tonight?" "Not anymore." ""Races aren't important. Tate""There's nowhere else I want to be other than with you." - "Pulling the fossil that I'd made for my mom out of the pocket of my hoodie, I pooled the necklace into his palm. "Don't hide from me, and don't ask me to hide," I said for only him to hear He nodded and tipped my chin up, running his thumb along my jawbone. I sunk into him, and he caressed my lips with a light Kiss. I instantly felt relief. More taunts and whistles came from the crowd, but I only cared about the warmth of his body close to mine." - "I'd spent a lot of time climbing this tree, reading in it, and talking with Jared in it until the stars faded with morning's light. He'd done this for me. I didn't know who else it could've been. This was our special place-one of many- and he'd lit it up with magic and wonder." - "Yesterday lasts forever. Tomorrow comes never. Until you." - ""You said you loved me. I hate that we lost that," "We never lost that. As much as I tried, I could never erase you from my heart. That's why I was such an asshole and kept guys away from you. You were always mine." "Are you mine?" I asked as I wiped my tears. He kissed the corners of my mouth softly, and I felt heat rise us my neck. "Always have been," - ""Jared's my best friend. I've known for a while that he cared about you. The first time I came over to his house freshman year, I found a stash of pictures of the two of you. He keeps them in his nightstand" - ""And the lantern on your arm?" "The lantern is you, Tate. The light.(...)" "Me?" "It's always been you." - ""I brought your mom the balloon yesterday," "Why?" "Because chicks like pink stuff." "Because she made you.""You're the best friend I've ever had, and I wanted to tell her thank you." - "I love you more than myself, more than my own family, for Christ's sake. I don't want to take another step in this world without you next to me," - "You have every right not to trust me, Tate. I know that. My fucking heart is ripping open right now. I can't stand the way you're looking at me. I could never hurt you again. Please.., let's try to fix this together," - ""Tate, you're mine, and I'm yours. Every day you're going to realize that more and more." - "You made me mean. And now I pummel poor, defenseless girls ... and guys." "You might say that I turned metal into steel." "Whatever helps you sleep at night, you big bully." - "You came through the a storm," (...) "Yeah, we used to sit in that tree all the time when it rained. It's like riding a bike. I never forget how good it felt." Tears welled in my eyes. The years that separated us had hurt, but how quickly theyd passed. We were together again. Wed never forgotten how to be together." - "But I want to make sure I never lose your trust again. I want to be one of your lifelines, Tate. I want you to need me. So ..." He gestured to the bracelet. "The heart is me. One of your lifelines." - "The thunder rumbled in the night, reminding me of my monologue and how Jared and I had come full circle. We were friends again, and also more. I was his. And he was mine. We had never been gone from each other. Both of us were shaping the other even though we didn't realize it. And now we were complete."

i don’t think it’s a 5 stars worthy book cuz it was just like any other bully story. liked the characters tho

tatejared mental illness.

I thought that this book was good when I read it

4.5/5 ☆

what in the world was that
unnecessary smut
asshole bully no no no

3,25⭐️ I wasn’t a big fan of the start from the book. It was not very special and a bit much. But halfway throughout I starten enjoying the story more.

The story wasn’t bad but I fell like they could avoided this whole mess with a good honest conversation.
Miscommunication trope. Not my favourite…


Cute! Love the enemies to lovers, love the spice, love the highschool setting!

i read this last year but what was up with all the SA??
i hated Jared i hated all his friends i hated everyone
(little spoiler people but she gets SA'd by his best friend IN THE SCHOOL CAFETARIA and i dont think Jared even cared?? then she got SA'd another time and i dont really remember what he said but he blamed it on her and i think he even said something along the lines of: how will your dad ever forgive you?)
yeah i know now that dark romance and bully romance is NOTHING for me.....

I loved this book so much, although I’m definitely the type of reader who ignores the misspelling and grammar issues i did notice some in the book. I’m trying to read through all of Penelope’s books right now, i have no idea why i waited so long to read this series. If you don’t like dark books then this definitely isn’t the book series for you and always read trigger warnings. I like to focus on the actual story and character development which were both amazing in this book. Chefs kiss to you Penelope for being such an amazing storyteller!

То ли я слишком старая для этой книги, то ли она уже слишком старая для меня.

This is probably more of a 4/4.5 because it’s cliche, a bit predictable but I just had too much fun with this that I can’t give it anything but 5 stars I LOVE JARED AND TATE!!! Ahhh this was such a CLASSIC BULLY FRIENDS TO ENEMIES TO LOVERS romance! As a big fan of Penelope Douglas, I knew it was about time I picked up this series and it didn’t disappoint! I loved the racing aspect and watching Jared and Tate knock their walls down around eachother! It was drama filled and yes a bit unrealistic in a way, but I had such a great time escaping into this addicting world! I loved how they lived next door eachother and the Jareds backstory was so heartbreaking! I’m really excited to continue on with the Fall Away series!


Tengo sentimientos contradictorios. Estaba buscando un libro que odiar y Bully parecía tener todos los ingredientes: bullying romantizado, drama adolescente, escritura mediocre, etc. En cambio, me he encontrado con un libro que me ha medio molado y me ha enganchado bastante :/ Puede que esto haya sido porque la protagonista no me disgustaba y no me ha parecido estúpida. Tiene sus cosas meh pero me quedo con que me ha sorprendido gratamente

OMG!! I absolutely loved it!!!! I feel like it brought me out of my reading rut!!!

3.5⭐ Si tuviera un peso por cada vez que dicen "French doors" estaría en una mansión con Harry Styles. kfeogkrgkdsorg. No se porque me gusta tanto en bully romance, necesito terapia. Tatum la hizo bastante bien, no se la dejó fácil y lo aprecio. Jared... medio un boludo pero que le vamos a hacer. Lo mejor que pasó en este libro fueron las carreras de autos. Soy una SIMP por eso, lo cual se lo debo a wattpad. Hay algo en las escenas de carreras que me pueden.

This is my least favorite in the series but still so Good! Ugh i love these characters with my whole heart

I happily got into this thinking this was a stand alone and I got played smh. I was ready to read Jared's pov BUT that can wait co can Jax's and Madoc's books. I need Tate and Jared's happy ending NOW.

only in the chapter 2 and decided to dnf this

I can’t believe I finished it in one day! If your looking for a nice and fast read this is the book that you should read. I’m in love with Tate and Jared they are just perfect!

“God, Tate. Your dress should be burned.” His mouth was hot on my ear as he started sucking the lobe. “Why?” I asked, the desire burning down below making it almost too hard to concentrate. He laughed against my neck. “Every f**king guy has been looking at you tonight. I’m going to get arrested.”