Penguin Island

Anatole France manages to pull off what, in my personal view, George Orwell failed to prove with ‘Animal Farm’. The book was extremely realistic and humorous at the same time, and somehow, the author made it work. It was a very captivating read especially since all the natural phases of the human society were depicted, all leading to the painfully accurate confusion that it is the societal ways that turn us into the despicably flawed humans we sometimes are. In other words - Eve bit into an apple and now we all live in territorially limited entities with their own attributed currency, acting like utter fools. I would also like to point out I am completely oblivious to politics yet the depictions from the book made sense to me and stirred my interest further. Anatole France presents realism at its finest here - only reason this is 4 and not 5 stars is that I wish it were a bit more fast paced, I think it would have added a nice zing to the story. Overall I recommend it if you want to dive into a social satire!