Nightingale An Anthology for Ukraine

avalex — 3 stars / ava needs someone better than alex, he’s just not the right one for her i just know😭 can she just be with me ??? lmao sethcaleb — 5 STARS / LOOOOOOVE THEM AND THE HEIRS the timeline was when theyre in their first year in za and theyre already so cool😩! this was one of my fav scenes bc sethcaleb is hot as the fucking stars thanks to the moon 😎

My rating is based on the two stories I read. Love You the Most by Carian Cole. A Little Surprise (Dark Olympus) by Katee Robert.

altaircapella you are everything to me

The chapters by Carian Cole are pure perfection. 😭 Torn is one of my favorite books and this glimpse we get during the ending/after the book takes place absolutely stole my heart. It’s everything you could want but yet it excites you all over again. We get moments from both Kenzi and Toren’s POV that are utterly beautiful. Their connection just incinerates you! It immediately made me want to relive their story all over again while simultaneously yearning for more. Rina Kent’s chapter is fabulous as well! We get more from our favorite RES families in all their cheeky glory. It‘s always so fun to read anything with this crew and how they’re doing in life. (I’ll update this review as I read!)

i only read karla sorensen’s story but it was so good i cried and for that i’m giving it 4 stars