Red Carpet Suicide

Red Carpet Suicide A Survival Guide on Keeping Up With the Hiltons

Perez Hilton—self-proclaimed “Queen of All Media” and founder of—cuts loose with a book that secures his reputation as “the most-hated man in Hollywood” (Rolling Stone). The best part: it’s hysterically funny—and shockingly true… Psycho celebs dominate news, fashion, and trends, influencing how we speak and what we wear. We’re obsessed! Our reality-based, gossip-driven world has set the barometer for what’s in and what’s out. So, how do we become like the famous? Well, post a grainy sex video online, drive high and wasted against oncoming traffic, flash your coochie for the cameras, and if those don’t work, attempt suicide—and you’re bound to become a “Hilton.” Now the man infamous for breaking raw superstar dish and jaw-dropping commentary lends his fearless voice, notorious sense of humor, and outrageous sensibility to Red-Carpet Suicide, a generation-defining, hilarious survival guide.
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