You see him at the liquor store. You see him at the bus stop, tryingto look at you without being seen. Who is he?He is a person. In this debut novel, a person walks around Chicagocontemplating the possibility of starving to death on purpose. He hassex with his neighbor. He goes out to look for a job but just buyslittle plastic dogs from homeless people instead.Who is the person? The person is you. The person is me. The person issitting in his room shooting an empty pellet gun at his face, feelingthe slow exhaustion of a Co2 cartridge. The person sits in a bathtubreading his roommate's yearbook. He wants to create a contractmandating worldwide friendship.Person invents new and splendid ways of not getting along. You willread this book and remember why you mainly read books that have sex inthem. You will become . . . a person.
Izzy Huddleston@izzyinbetween
Taous Merakchi@jackxparker
Morgan Thomas@moalthom91
Sean gillespie @seanieg
Anthony Sabourin@anthonysabourin