Pet Sematary

devastating. the first half builds more dread than the more openly dreadful second half, just because you know tragedy will fall but can’t exactly pinpoint where or when. once the cards are revealed, it’s just horrible but king attacks the most basic, primal fears you have in a way that feels empathetic rather than cheap.

I’ve had kind of a mixed bag of experiences with King so far, having only really read shorter stuff like The Mist, and Secret Window, Secret Garden and not really loving either. But then I saw the narrator was Michael C. Hall, and I had to grab it. It helps that the other members of Fear For All love his stuff too.
First off, I thought this was fantastic. Reading something finally full length from King really allowed for the story to open up. Both growing in creepiness, and heightening those emotional touch points. Of course, it might just help that I decided to read one that is considered up there with his best, but still.
The copy I got from Audible included an introduction from the author, he spoke about how he thought this was his darkest novel, perhaps even too dark that it shouldn’t have been published. He also spoke about the origin of the spelling of Pet Sematary, its inclusion in the novel, and eventual taking over as the title. That kind of inclusion and connection really heightened my enjoyment heading into the story.
Louis accepts a new job, moving his family into the rural town of Ludlow, Maine. Their new house seems too good to be true, their neighbor Jud already showing them hospitality. But even from the earliest pages of the novel, theirs a dangerous undertone. Let alone when they get shown the cemetery behind their property where all the town’s beloved pets have been buried…I personally have pets, and although the thought of having them nearby is endearing, this is still just so creepy.
But when the road finally claims another victim, this time Louis’ daughter’s beloved cat Church, Jud tells him to wait for his call and that they’d handle it. And when Church shows back up, after being buried no less, Louis does his best to rationalize the appearance, but underneath it all, he knows better. The general creepiness of this, as well as the behavioral problems that follow with Church, should have been a clear indication of how far this novel would go, but I wasn’t ready.
The loss of a child, is often something that writers avoid like the plague, especially in horror I feel. So for King to go so far into this, so deep, especially given the year when this released originally, is a testament to him. And yeah…this really is super super dark. For me, the imagining of if it didn’t happen, and where his life could have gone, was even sadder to read than the death itself.
It does kind of feel like I’ve managed to live under a rock, as I’ve not had any of this really ruined for me, and I’ve never seen any screen adaptation so far. With the mixed bag that has come from his wide filmography, I think maybe I had started to link that directly to him, even though they are adaptations of his works? This was so eerie and riveting. It brought to mind that building dread that I loved in Nat Cassidy’s Nestlings, that ability to show that building in different ways between husband, wife, and daughter.
Michael C. Hall did such a fantastic job. I would like him to take over narrating my life now. The voices were great, the novel had life, and this once again brought to mind just how much we are missing that he has not narrated the Dexter series.

7,5 Punkte

** spoiler alert ** The second star I am giving to this book is just because of the great King writing and because of the kind of spooky, gone crazy ending. Other than that, it was a complete disappointment and it totally deserves just a star. I guess I just didn't like the idea of bringing back loved ones from the dead. It was predictable from the moment Louis' son died. Shoot, even from the moment the cat died. I went along with it just because of the writing and just because of my interest in who dies and what not. Turns out almost all of them did. What a bummer. To be honest, one of the few things I liked was how the last chapter was from the point of view of Steve. It was great to see Louis from a different perspective and to witness what madness has actually done to him for a night after reading what he goes through. But the book was really a total weak sauce.

Rodina Creedových se usadí ve starém domě v půvabném prostředí venkova státu Maine. Otec- lékař, krásná žena a dvě děti. Zdálo se, že nic nemůže překazit jejich štěstí. Avšak objevuje se Cosi, co mrazí krev v žilách. Cosi horšího než sama smrt. Cosi příšerného. Občas být mrtvý je lepší. . Tato kniha se strašně špatně popisuje. Sto stran žádná větší akce, poté naopak veliká akce, pak opět sto stran ničeho.. Naštěstí to zachránil ten konec,ten byl opravdu dobrý. Ale pořád nevím, jestli tato kniha byla fiasko, nebo mistrovské dílo. Každopádně dávám 4*/5*

This will probably always be that one King novel that gives me the creeps because of how fucked up it is. Truly a masterpiece.

I'm on a Stephen King kick now, and I plan to read at least one of his books per month for the rest of the year. This was my September read. I was not expecting this to be such a dark, emotional read. The titular Pet Sematary is one of the coolest, creepiest settings King has imagined up, and it makes for a lot of weird, mystical moments. The characters are very well-drawn, so when bad things start happening to them, you really feel like you're watching a trainwreck in slow motion. Characterization has always been his strong suit, and this is no exception. I think this is also some of his best writing that I've read yet. It's a pretty brutal read, but compelling. In fact, I think I'd say this is probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite of his that I've read.

I’m so conflicted 3/4 of the book I was wrapped up in every detail really wanting to know what was going on. The last 1/4 kind of lost me. I’d still suggest it to others, and I’m glad I challenged myself to get outside of my typical authors… but I’m left wishing the last 1/4 was as descriptive as the first 3/4. I listened to Steven kings explanation of the book and that he had to give the publishing company a book before he left them and this one was in a drawer. I feel like I can tell that he started writing it wi to passion and most likely didn’t have an ending until he needed to give it to the publisher because the end to me is just blawh.

another King classic that took over my life. King is masterful at character and the small moments in this novel are really what it’s about. It is so, so much more than a dead cat and murderous child. a Shakespearean tragedy masked as a horror novel. It’s a bummer that— like most of the adaptions of his work— it hasn’t been adapted to the level it deserves. The sequence on Christmas Eve is so damn gorgeous and patient. I dunno, give me a seven episode adaption of this that actually dives into the grief and supernatural aspects of this book that it hinges on. There’s so much to be said for this one, but, just read it. ”Darling,” it said.

*3.5 Reading this was a JOURNEY. I started out strong; I was interested, enjoyed the set up and characters. But then I got bored and from that point just started falling in and out of the story. I feel like nothing really exciting happened until the last 100 pages which were GREAT. This book was just so long winded, which I've heard is a theme with Kings works. It should not have taken me a month to read this. I was definitely busy, but not THAT busy. This was my first Stephen King that I've finished and I'm glad to have read it! I'm excited to pick up The Shining and Misery in the future, but I definitely need a break from his work. I also didn't find this all that scary? It was eerie and nice reading for the month of October, but I was definitely not blown away like I wanted to be. Intrigued to see what I think of his other novels. I just really hope I get scared!

8 hours 12 mins over 18 days

liked the writing style

there was so much set up for like 20 pages of nothing to happen lol... meh af. felt like he had such a great start and then the publishing company demanded an ending by tomorrow and he wrote out the first thing he could think of to end it quickly. if u want to read stephen king, dont start here like so many say. start with somethng like carrie

Really enjoyed it! Very familiar with the story but as everyone says, the book is way better than the movie.

Perfect. The way Louis get's crazy it's just incredible. Every time you read his thoughts, you feel his agony and sadness. Best of King.

4.5 stars

Kind of a cross between The Monkey's Paw and Poltergeist, and super creepy. Zombies that are actually scary. The sacred Indian burial ground plot that still feels fresh. There is a lot going on that's worthy of praise and admiration. King is just that... a king of his craft. Wouldn't expect any less of him.

This is the creepiest Stephen King book I've read. OOooooh....very creepy.

Have you ever read a book where the words begin to form images in your head and they scares you so badly you throw it across the room? Well this is the book that did it for me. As a avid horror fan, I would like to be able to say that many books have scared me in this way. In reality this is the only one in which I was scared well reading. It didn't just haunt me in the dark with my eyes closed, I became terrified of waking up to my cat sleeping on my chest. Pet Semetary is a horror novel about just how far we will go to keep our loved ones in our lives and the horror that occur when the boundaries between living and dead are crossed in order to selfishly keep those we love well beyond their time. Beware the Pet Seminary may bring you loved ones back physically, but are they really your loved ones.

Yeah, bretty gud. Not much here that the movie was missing, other than the Wendigo and the severity of Gage's mutilation. Also you get more of an explanation as to why they continue to go to the burial ground, despite knowing better. The Wendigo helps explain away the overpowering desire to try burying there. I really appreciated that, at least at the beginning, there's a theme of the cruel inevitability of death and passage of time. Something I struggle with more and more every day. And can I just point out how fucking good that original movie is? Watch it now, and it still holds up so well. When reading the book, I wasn't even fighting my minds placement of Fred Gwynne as Jud. Matter of fact the whole casting of that movie is what played in my imagination during the book. Rachel seemed to drift between the original movie, and just a generic brunette (remake rachel). Even Louis, despite making more of an effort to imagine someone else, was that curly-haired actor. Maybe Ellie I pictured as more of the remake casting. But Goddamn that movie rules. Think I'll try to find our VHS copy of it. Thinking of the good heart of Judson Crandall all over made me tear up at the beginning. I love that character and love Fred Gwynne as that character. Still, despite there already being a pointless remake, I would like to see a movie version that fully includes the Wendigo and the effects of a 2 year old with a splintered, nearly decapitated head.

Bone-chilling, if you read it slowly and carefully, absorbing King's mastery over simple words. The story, as with most horror, deals with a family that has moved in to a new home and discovers a mysterious cemetery in the woods behind. What follows is a downward spiral into despair and darkness, where King's ability to entrance you in the plot's eeriness makes you condone the absolute stupidity of his characters. A grotesque, unforgiving ghost ride.

4.5 it starts off slow and it feels aimless (?) but then the cat happens and you start getting an idea but you still have no clue. basically this book grips you and folds you into the story in a crescendo. it felt real, it was creepy and it was heartbreaking. Stephen King calls this his scariest novel and I understand why. the lunacy really shows through and even you start to feel the grief and your mind slipping away and wandering and reaching weird places. the stumbling, the falling, the weird ramblings, it all added to a scary creepy atmosphere that had you gripped particularly in the last 200 pages. (wish i hadn't read the last part at night but i couldn't stop) (view spoiler)[ i loved Louis and Jud and Ellie and Gage and i only realised that when it was too late - was that purposeful from King or a coincidence? was it an effort from King to discuss how you often realise you loved people more than you thought when they're gone? (hide spoiler)]

Yeah, bretty gud. Not much here that the movie was missing, other than the Wendigo and the severity of Gage's mutilation. Also you get more of an explanation as to why they continue to go to the burial ground, despite knowing better. The Wendigo helps explain away the overpowering desire to try burying there. I really appreciated that, at least at the beginning, there's a theme of the cruel inevitability of death and passage of time. Something I struggle with more and more every day. And can I just point out how fucking good that original movie is? Watch it now, and it still holds up so well. When reading the book, I wasn't even fighting my minds placement of Fred Gwynne as Jud. Matter of fact the whole casting of that movie is what played in my imagination during the book. Rachel seemed to drift between the original movie, and just a generic brunette (remake rachel). Even Louis, despite making more of an effort to imagine someone else, was that curly-haired actor. Maybe Ellie I pictured as more of the remake casting. But Goddamn that movie rules. Think I'll try to find our VHS copy of it. Thinking of the good heart of Judson Crandall all over made me tear up at the beginning. I love that character and love Fred Gwynne as that character. Still, despite there already being a pointless remake, I would like to see a movie version that fully includes the Wendigo and the effects of a 2 year old with a splintered, nearly decapitated head.

I wasn’t sure if I’d like this one, but thought I’d give it a try after 2 King-head friends & countless rankings of King’s novels list it toward the top. While I loved the Shining more, I think Pet Semetary may be the scariest book I’ve ever read. It’s definitely a bit dated in terms of how the men relate to the women in their lives, and the women are pretty flat characters. That being said, the development of the male characters made the Semetary feel so real, and I cared so much about Louis & his family. May have had trouble sleeping a few nights, fair warning!

Sometimes God dillies and dallies.

A man grows what he can and tends it.

The soil of a man’s heart is stonier.

Eileen fall from swing and hit a rock whit her knee, Louis and take the first aid kit, she started scream louder 'No! Not the stingy stuff! I don't want the stingy stuff, Daddy! No—' 'Eileen, it's just mecurichrome and it doesn't sting—''Be a big girl' Rachel said. 'It's just—' ' No-no-no-no-no—' 'You want to stop that or your ass will sting' Louis said. ' She's tired Lou,' Rachel said quietly. 'Yeah I know the felling. Hold her leg out.' then the gege started screaming Rachel give gege to Louis, he saw a bee his daughter started shouting bee she tripp over the rock before a sat down hard and began to cry again in pain, surprise, and fear. I'm going crazy, Louis thought wonderingly.