Not Your Average Monster, Vol. 2 A Menagerie of Vile Beasts
JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD VENTURE OUT OF YOUR HIDING PLACES, HERE COMES ANOTHER HORDE OF HORRORSSlithering, wriggling, lurking, and creeping. Leaving slick trails of pustulent slime behind them. These aren't your run-of-the-mill monsters populating the pages of this tome. No, these critters feed on the fear that bubbles up inside you when all appears lost and the scent of blood is on the wind. Now is the time to face these demons and read on. NOT YOUR AVERAGE MONSTER, VOL. 2:A MENAGERIE OF VILE BEASTS 19 more creatures gestated in the sick minds of: Jared Oliver AdamsRichard Farren BarberShawn FrancisMarlena FrankWednesday Lee FridayLeigh HarlenErin Michelle JendrasB.T. JoyPatrick LaceySallie McDanielLogan NobleJenny OroselMichael PiccoBetty RocksteadyNisi ShawlMeryl StenhouseJohn F.D. TaffJohann ThorssenAaron Worth THIS NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN!