Microeconomics For Dummies - UK
Your one-stop guide to understanding Microeconomics Microeconomics For Dummies (with content specific to theUK reader) is designed to help you understand the economics ofindividuals. Using concise explanations and accessible content thattracks directly to an undergraduate course, this book provides astudent-focused course supplement with an in-depth examination ofeach topic. This invaluable companion provides clear informationand real-world examples that bring microeconomics to life andintroduces you to all the key concepts. From supply and demand tomarket competition, you'll understand how the economy works on anindividual level, and how it affects you every day. Before long,you'll be conversant in consumers, costs, and competition. Microeconomics is all about the behaviour of individual peopleand individual firms. It sounds pretty straightforward, but it getscomplicated early on. You may not be an economist, but if you're abusiness student at university, the odds are you need to come togrips with microeconomics. That's where Microeconomics ForDummies comes in, walking you through the fundamental conceptsand giving you the understanding you need to master thematerial. Understand supply, demand, and equilibrium Examine the consumer decision making process Delve into elasticity and costs of production Learn why competition is healthy and monopolies are not Even the brightest business students can find economicsintimidating, but the material is essential to a solid grasp of howthe business world works. The good news is that you've come to theright place.