Figures of Authority

Figures of Authority Contributions Towards a Cultural History of Governance from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century

INTRODUCTION. New Perspectives on the History of Bureaucratic and Scientific Subjects / Peter Becker & Rüdiger von Krosigk - PART I. "DER MENSCH IST EIN PROZEßʺ: THE VIRTUES AND COMPETENCES OF PRE-MODERN OFFICIALS - Metaphern für "Ampts-Personʺ und "Ampts-Tugendʺ in lutherischen Regentenpredigten des späten 17. Jahrhunderts / Erk Volkmar Heyen - Welsch und wie er die Welt sah. Ein württembergischer Rentkammerrat und seine 'Wahrhafftige Reiß-Beschreibung' / Achim Landwehr - Weisheit, Klugheit, Recht. Zur Psychogenese und Soziogenese des frühmodernen Staates / Milos Vec - PART II. INSTITUTIONAL ARCHETYPES: THE RISE OF THE BUREAUCRATIC AND SCIENTIFIC PERSONA - Hunting the Plumed Mammal. The History of "Bureaucracyʺ in France, 1750-1850 / Ben Kafka - Towards the Angels. British Zoology and the 'Persona Sapientis', ca. 1660-1800 / Kirsten Winther Jørgensen - PART III. MULTI-FACETED SUBJECTIVITY: THE FORMATION OF NEW BUREAUCRATIC SUBJECTS - French Figures of Authority in the Prussian Fiscal Administration, c. 1766-1786 / Florian Schui - From "Despots of the Tribunalsʺ to "Notable Functionariesʺ. The Judicial Function in the Kingdom of Naples from the Napoleonic Era to the Restoration / Carolina Castellano - Fieldwork, Map-making and State Formation. A Case Study in the History of Science and Administration / Rui Branco - PART IV. BETWEEN CONTINUITY AND CHANGE: BUREAUCRATIC SUBJECTS IN TIMES OF POLITICAL TRANSFORMATION - Contentious Authority. Bureaucrats and Bezirksräte in the Grand Duchy of Baden, c. 1831-1884 / Rüdiger von Krosigk - Senior Civil Servants and Nationalism in Germany, 1900-1933 / Moritz Föllmer - Professional Statute and Identity Type. A Sociological Reading of the Staff Regulation of the European Union's Civil Servants / Magali Gravier.
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