China's Evolving Surface Fleet

China's Evolving Surface Fleet

Over the past fifteen years, the People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN's) missile fast-attack craft and amphibious fleets have been significantly modernized. While these two types of vessels have not increased in numbers, their capabilities have increased exponentially. This publication examines the People's Liberation Army's (PLA's) doctrine and training strategy in order to analyze present and predict future missions by these military vessels. China's deterrence posture is improved greatly by these ships and boats, which aid coastal water defense, and threaten Taiwanese attempts to gain independence. In addition, these two fleets improve China's long-range sealift capabilities, and help with the PLA's traditional, and new, nontraditional security practices. These fleets allow the PLAN to continue offshore operations, and begin "blue-water", or "far-seas" operations, helping the United States to predict the future nature of Chinese maritime missions. Related items: China collection of publications can be found here: Chinese Military Reforms in the Age of Xi Jinping: Drivers, Challenges, and Implications can be found here: Indian and Chinese Engagement in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Assessment can be found here: U.S. Landpower in the South China Sea can be found here:
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