Rights - Developing Ownership by Linking Control over Space and Time

Rights - Developing Ownership by Linking Control over Space and Time

Again and again debates are focussing on issues around the supposed interference between political and economic system, rejecting the current dominance of 'economic thinking'. As justified many contemporary critical voices are, they make us occasionally forget that a more thorough consideration does have to deal with two major issues if it aims on progressive politics: * suggesting that economic development is increasingly controlled by political decisions means that the entire system and 'its composition' itself underwent a fundamental change - finally, capitalism had been the victory of 'economic law' over 'political law'. * subsequently we have to reconsider against this background also the question of rights - the present debate offers some considerations on overcoming the individualist approach towards defining social rights and aims on developing an approach that is based on a definition of the socio-political system as grounded in processes of relational appropriation, opening perspectives on multiple ontological relationality, concerned with auto-relation, group-relation (as general sociability), 'other'-relation (as 'institutionalised' and 'defined' socialbility - including class relationships etc.) and, environmental ('organic nature') relations. One important aim of this third volume of the 'Writings on Philosophy and Economy of Power' is again to localise the changes of the current mode of regulation in a more fundamental way, emphasising the need to elaborate the changes of the political economy. Answers on the guiding question 'Do we face a new renaissance?' is further elaborated.
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