Marketing Management in China

Marketing Management in China

Marketing Management in China, 1st Edition, brings the landmark work of marketing gurus Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller to China. This edition, adapted by Professor Lu Tai Hong of Zhongshan University, takes a journey into a truly Chinese vista of marketing management. With content shaped to reflect the world`s fastest burgeoning economy, this is one textbook the marketing student seeking to understand China cannot do without This adaptation provides hard-to-find and well-researched China cases that offer insights into the local marketing situation. These cases cover a wide variety of contexts, spanning international companies operating in China to Chinese companies that are beginning to venture overseas; to provide readers with a well-balanced understanding At the same time, the text and language has been made more concise and accessible without losing the original Kotler`s and Keller`s depth and insight to the subject. This offers busy executives and students alike, an opportunity to grasp key marketing concepts quickly and effortlessly
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