The Lucifer Effect Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

Really interesting book but quite long and not quite honest about the SPE at all points

I think it was a really good look at the Stanford Prison Experiment. The experiment itself had tons of issues that make me wonder why it has stayed so popular in psychology classes. I think it is widely mistaught as a show of what power does to people, when it should really be an example of how not to run an experiment. The biggest issue I had was that Zimbardo either decided or was told that he needed more pages, so he went off on a tangent about the Iraq/Iran mistreatment of prisoners. And that isn't to say it isn't relevant to his work. It is probably the closest situation I ok what he created in the SPE. It just got railroaded with some politics and then he tried to end on a "positive note" about heroism. He could have easily cut 100+ pages and said the same thing. Worth a read if you're into criminology, psychology, or want a look at what might have caused some of the atrocious behavior with those prisoners.