High Performance Culture in Sports
The Playbook for Achieving Program Excellence
High Performance Culture in Sports The Playbook for Achieving Program Excellence
Culture has become a hot topic in athletics. From high school to professional programs, people are recognizing that culture plays a significant role in a team's success, but there has been little agreement about what a good culture looks like or how leaders can create it. Fortunately, this road has been travelled before in industries such as aerospace, oil and gas exploration, and nuclear power generation, where high levels of human performance can be the difference between success and disaster, or even life and death. For more than four decades, the authors have helped hundreds of organizations around the world develop leaders and improve their cultures. And with more than 25 years of experience in high school coaching and a combined 11 state championships, the authors' unique combination of experience and expertise allows them to adapt the solutions used in performance-critical industries to athletic programs at any level. High Performance Culture in Sports is the playbook for coaches and athletic administrators who want to achieve program excellence by developing the six dimensions of a high performing culture.