Demons Don't Dream

Ten years ago when I was freelancing I read most of the Xanth series in order. Usually I don't binge on a book series like that but I somehow had most of these books and they were easy to read while I was riding the train to and from San Diego to work with my main client. Although I think I've had Demons Don't Dream for a decade I somehow missed reading it. So ten years in, my tastes have changed and matured. I read up chapter four and had to put the book aside. The puns were forced. The plot was forced. Then there's the whole demons using a video game to trick humans into fighting their duel for them. Of course there is a Companions of Xanth game but I've no desire to play it having now suffered through four chapters describing it in painful (punful) detail.

This is the first Xanth novel I have read in over 20 years. Actually I think that might be how long this particular book has been sitting on my book shelf. I used to devour the Xanth novels when I was a teen. And while I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and coming back to something that I loved so much, I don't think the universe held up for me quite as well now as it did way back when. I still enjoyed the puns and the characters, but I am not sure if I feel the need to continue on. But, then again, maybe it was just this particular book that didn't grab me as much as some of the others, so I may try to read one or two more just in case, especially since there are now nearly 40 books in the series!