Stile had problems on two different worlds. On Proton he was threatened with murder, and on Phaze, an alternate world ruled by magic, he had to master magic, fight a dragon, win the friendship of a lady unicorn, locate his enemy among the paranoid Adepts and return out of Phaze to win the Great Games on Proton. After that, he was ready to face the real problems! THE APPRENTICE ADEPT Book OneSPLIT INFINITY Book TwoBLUE ADEPT BookThreeJUXTAPOSITION

Greg Copeland@gtco

Sang Park@sparky

Jacalyn Boggs@ladyozma

Robert S.@rjschwabe

Scribbler Johnny@scribblerjohnny

Chad Henderson@elmofromok

Thomas Houston@warvia

Heather Quarnstrom@heatherq