Split Infinity

Split Infinity

Piers Anthony1987
Soon after escaping assassination on the highly technical, science-oriented planet of Proton, Stile finds himself in a world of sorcery and magic where another power seeks his destruction.
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Photo of Kirsten Simkiss
Kirsten Simkiss@vermidian
1 star
Sep 12, 2022

You know, I tried to give this one a fair chance. I had enjoyed the Magic of Xanth series somewhat. While it was a little bit raunchy and pervy, it was only occasional and if you just kept going, it'd get back to a more interesting plot where everyone has their own individual magical power. The world was great and interesting. Not so much with this one. The entire first chapter and from what I read into the second one, there is not a single page where Anthony doesn't describe just how physically attractive the first female character is in the book. Now, it'd be one thing if he was just crushing on his new coworker or something, but it's detailed. Oh, but I haven't even mentioned the best part! Unless you're a part of the elite upper class, you're considered a serf! And serfs don't get to wear clothes! Yeah, you read that right. He's describing naked women for the entire book. Honestly, I'm out. Other reviews that I read when I got to my breaking point indicates that this trend continues. I have no idea how high his publishers had to be, but I really just don't understand how this was considered enjoyable reading by anyone. I saw a few reviews saying they read these as a kid and that's also kind of horrifying for me. I mean, the first woman in the book, Sheen, accuses the main male character of raping her in the first chapter. Anyhow, I just really don't recommend it. You could be doing much much better things with your time. If you want to read this author, I remember loving Castle Roogna but upon reflection, I need to give that one a reread. Do yourself a favor and just skip to that book.

Photo of Greg Copeland
Greg Copeland@gtco
3 stars
Jul 3, 2023
Photo of Sang Park
Sang Park@sparky
2 stars
Jan 8, 2023
Photo of Jacalyn Boggs
Jacalyn Boggs@ladyozma
5 stars
Dec 8, 2022
Photo of Robert S.
Robert S.@rjschwabe
4 stars
Sep 9, 2022
Photo of Scribbler Johnny
Scribbler Johnny@scribblerjohnny
3 stars
Jun 7, 2022
Photo of Chad Henderson
Chad Henderson@elmofromok
5 stars
Feb 8, 2022
Photo of Thomas Houston
Thomas Houston@warvia
5 stars
Jan 5, 2022
Photo of Heather Quarnstrom
Heather Quarnstrom@heatherq
5 stars
Oct 5, 2021
Photo of Chris
5 stars
Oct 1, 2021