The Decades of the Newe Worlde Or West India,

The Decades of the Newe Worlde Or West India, Conteynyng the Nauigations and Conquestes of the Spanyardes, with the Particular Description of the Moste Ryche and Large Landes and Ilandes Lately Founde in the West Ocean, Perteynyng to the Inheritaunce of the Kinges of Spayne. : In the which the Diligent Reader May Not Only Consyder what Commoditie May Hereby Chaunce to the Hole Christian World in Tyme to Come, But Also Learne Many Secreates Touchynge the Lande, the Sea, and the Starres, Very Necessarie to be Know[n]e to Al Such as Shal Attempte Any Nauigations, Or Otherwise Haue Delite to Beholde the Strange and Woonderful Woorkes of God and Nature

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