Fractional Dynamical Systems

Fractional Dynamical Systems Methods, Algorithms and Applications

This book presents a wide and comprehensive spectrum of issues and problems related to fractional-order dynamical systems. It is meant to be a full-fledge, comprehensive presentation of many aspects related to the broadly perceived fractional-order dynamical systems which constitute an extension of the traditional integer-order-type descriptions. This implies far-reaching consequences, both analytic and algorithmic, becausein generalproperties of the traditional integer-order systems cannot be directly extended by a straightforward generalization to fractional-order systems, modeled by fractional-order differential equations involving derivatives of an non-integer order. This can be useful for describing and analyzing, for instance, anomalies in the behavior of various systems, chaotic behavior, etc. The book contains both analytic contributions with state-of-the-art and theoretical foundations, algorithmic implementation of tools and techniques, andfinallysome examples of relevant and successful practical applications.
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