
In these transcriptions of spoken-word interviews, one can learn about what REALLY happened with Iggy Pop, David Bowie, & The Ramones. I personally enjoyed the first hand accounts from all the groupie girls!

Iggy Pop is a dick.

What a strange and delightful book. First, some subject matter knowledge is essential here. The more, the better. Iggy Pop, New York Dolls, Ramones, Patti Smith - if none of these names ring a bell, listen to their music first, and skim respective Wikipedia articles. Reading about their seminal albums won't hurt either. You may not like their music, but knowing their sound is essential for understanding and enjoying this book. Then there is a structure of this book. It consists of interview excerpts, with a handful of news quotes at the very end of it. Reading it is a strange experience, it is a torrent of direct speech with zero context. And yes, much of that direct speech is about drugs, parties, actions under the influence. There is a kaleidoscope of names and places right from the start. Be ready to google names, bands, events every ten pages or so. This book is unambiguous: punk rock is an American phenomenon. It also makes a case that punk rock is an LGBT, queer phenomenon, at least at its origins. What made punk rockers punk wasn't noisy guitars and rowdy behavior. It was their queerness, cross dressing, sexuality that was a center of their artistic expression. This book is a brilliant illustration of it.