Point Blanc The Graphic Novel

Huge improvement over first novel It's such a shame that the first Alex Rider movie was so bad as this is clearly a far superior story and plot and would have almost certainly been a success. It's got great twists, a lot darker purpose from the villain and offers up a great ending too. Thoroughly enjoyed rereading this as an adult.

never read this teen spy series as a kid but i'm full well enjoying it as an adult (need my hands on the next books in the series asap!)

These are addicting. I think I am gonna read the third one before I go to bed.

Alex finds himself in trouble when he attempts to put an end to a drug dealer who has been working outside his school. Mr. Blunt and Mrs. Jones use this to blackmail Alex to work for them again going undercover in a school called Point Blanc where strange things have been reported by the parents of students who have been sent there. When a wealthy businessman is killed right after calling Mr. Blunt about the school, it is decided that someone must go into the school posing as a student, and their only option is Alex. Point Blank is the next action packed addition to the Alex Rider series. Just like Stormbreaker, this book follows Alex as he is one again thrust into the world of spies against his will. In this book, as in the first, we start to see that even though Alex isn't thrilled about the work, he does seem to have a certain need to follow through on his efforts, and his skills seem up to the challenge. There is still so much about Alex's personality that isn't clear, but more was revealed in this book as we find him being more sarcastic with a darker world view. Overall Point Blank continues to develop more of the story behind Alex Rider.

I love these books so much. They are so much fun and i'm remembering/realising things I either forgot or never noticed the first time around.

It was so much fun to read this and remind myself of the plot after not having read the original book for years! Although I definitely preferred the original book, this was a fun, enjoyable and extremely quick read.