Poison Study
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Poison Study

About to be executed for murder, Yelena is offered an extraordinary reprieve. She'll eat the best meals, have rooms in the palace- and risk assassination by anyone trying to kill the Commander of Ixia. And so Yelena chooses to become a food taster. But the chief of security, leaving nothing to chance, deliberately feeds her Butterfly's Dusté and only by appearing for her daily antidote will she delay an agonizing death from the poison. As Yelena tries to escape her new dilemma, disasters keep mounting. Rebels plot to seize Ixia and Yelena develops magical powers she can't control. Her life is threatened again and choices must be made. But this time the outcomes aren't so clear—.
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Photo of Monicap
5 stars
Apr 29, 2024

I'd heard amazing thins about this book. It did not disappoint.

Photo of yel
5 stars
Feb 24, 2024

★★★★★ 4.50 STARS I am so glad I picked this book up. I loved everything about this. The characters and their development throughout the story and even the direction where the story was headed. I admire how the author managed to make me love her characters so much. Given my absolute love for Yelena and Valek, the main characters, I surprisingly liked even the second characters and how they were made to support the MC. Though having a slow yet strong romance build up between Yelena and Valek and focusing more about the main matter at hand, that was actually what I wanted for them. And did I ever mention the character development? Oh, yes I have! I absolutely adored how they grow so much in the story. How contradicting Yelena and Valek's characters with each other yet they found a way to fit so well. I so loved loved loved that! I even praised the author for her wonderful writings. A very easy read without being too simple. So detailed and precise but not too much. I was easily bored with this kind of story but the author managed to grabbed my attention with her writing. One of the best writing styles I have ever come across with. I craved for more of this. Both the writings and the series itself. EDIT: After my raw emotions subsided, I now realized that the last part of the book felt a bit rushed? I don't know. I just thought the pacing at the last part kind of doubled in some ways. Still loved this, though.

Photo of fris🐝
4 stars
Dec 12, 2023

I am in love with ari and janco!!! this was a very good book and I’m surprised there’s not more hype! the writing felt a little old school or more on the YA side, like I used to read in middle school, but the plot was engaging and the characters were likable and I enjoyed it. I do feel like the romance was rushed, but it’s not really a romance book it’s definitely a political intrigue with a teeny side of romance. in a way it almost reminded me of the cruel prince but actually not plot-wise at all just in vibes. I have already checked the next one out from the library despite having 8 other holds!

Photo of Sam
4 stars
Nov 19, 2023

If you like a badass heroine who wants revenge and fights for her freedom in a world of political intrigue and betrayal - then this is a book and series I highly recommend you pick up. You have magic, you have clear and interesting world-building, witty characters, and I loved it. This is a great first book to a fantastic trilogy. It also has a second series that follows Yelena, and then another spin-off series, so you will not run out of books quickly in this universe. Now to some things you might want to know before reading Poison Study! Warnings for sexual assault and rape, violence, and being held captive. So if those are some things on your no-read list, be careful and probably avoid reading the series!

Photo of Megan BV
Megan BV@megplantparm
4 stars
Oct 5, 2023

I really loved this story.

Photo of Sarah
3 stars
Sep 4, 2023

I really enjoyed the plot, story, characters, and setting but there was just something about it that prevented me from ever being fully engaged with it. I never got truly absorbed in the story and was always conscious of the fact that I was Reading A Book, if that makes sense. It took me forever to finish.

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
5 stars
Jun 3, 2023

Read this review, and many more on my blog October Tune! I love this book. I really really do. At first, I was reluctant to start it, because one of the main genre’s on Goodreads was ‘romance’, and y’all know how much I don’t like a book that revolves around romance. But when I read Poison Study, I found that there was hardly any romance at all, just some very good friendships and perhaps a tiny bit of romance near the end. (Note: I ship it). That is what made me love this book so much. Okay, of course, I love this book because it was very well written, and because I just like the story a lot, but I just found the lack of romance very good, because the majority of the Young Adult books nowadays seem to always revolve around romance, love-triangles, instant love, etc. Poison Study is about Yelena Zaltana (whose name, I suppose, is pronounced just like Helena (hee-lee-nah)). Instead of being executed for her crimes, she becomes the Commander’s new food taster, which means she risks getting poisoned (and killed) every single day. She is being trained by Valek (whose name reminded me of Dalek) who is a skilled assassin and the Commander’s personal security chief. Of course, Yelena is a convicted murderer, so no one in the castle really wants to talk to her, or be in the same room with her. Luckily that changes later in the book, and she gets some good friends who I all love very much! We don’t really find out why Yelena killed the person she killed, until somewhere near the end of the book, and I have to say I fully understand why she did it. (Of course, that still doesn’t make it right that she killed that person). There weren’t really parts that I didn’t like about the book, perhaps only the fact that sometimes the story was a bit slow (mainly just Yelena tasting the Commander’s food, having arguments with Valek and hanging out with her friends Ari and Janco (who are my favourites, honestly), but no ‘real’ action or anything). And sometimes I found the names a bit hard to remember, though in the end I managed perfectly. I really like Maria V. Snyder’s writing; I had read Inside Out & Outside In before, and though I wasn’t a big fan of those two books (the second one mainly not because I read a Dutch translation which sounded very childish), but I liked the concept and I really wanted to read more of Snyder’s books. In the end, I loved Poison Study a lot, and I really can’t wait to read the sequel, Magic Study. I wasn’t entirely sure if I should give this book four or five stars, until I remembered that there was not one thing that I actually really disliked about this book, so that is why Poison Study gets five whole Daleks from me.

Photo of Aislinn
Aislinn @aislinncroke
5 stars
Jan 23, 2023

This book has been in my to read list for a couple of years and I finally got round to it. I absolutely loved it. I love Yelena and I love Valek. I like that there is a love story but that it is not the centre of the story. I'll definitely be reading the rest in the series. My favourite series I've read in a while.

Photo of dija
3 stars
Jan 23, 2023

Not sure of how i feel about this one RTC i guess

Photo of Nicole
5 stars
Jan 2, 2023

Why did it take me this long to read this? AMAZING!!! Read this in one sitting in college instead of paying attention in class :)

Photo of Jacalyn Boggs
Jacalyn Boggs@ladyozma
5 stars
Dec 8, 2022

It is easy to see why this book won an award within the first few pages. The story crasps at you, quickly entangling you in its snare. Beware the poison, for it shall keep you up at night searching for the cure found on the last pages. The author is delightful. Her tale woven with such craft. It is rare to find books of this calibur anymore. The sequel, Magic Study, shows amazing promise that I eagerly look forward to experiencing. If you want a book filled with just about anything a reader could want, that is well written and well thought out, that will worm its way into your soul... look no further.

Photo of Kelsey Joëlle
Kelsey Joëlle@kelseyjoelle
5 stars
Nov 3, 2022

I loooooved this book. Really, binge read it in one sitting (did had to sleep). Riley from Riley Marie on Youtube mentioned it in one of her video's and I decided to pick it up. So, thank you, Riley, for giving me my new favourite book!

Photo of Elise
3 stars
Nov 3, 2022

I don’t know about this one. This book took me days to finish. It was interesting but not enough for me to keep reading. I have magic study too but I’m not sure if i should open it because I’m afraid I won’t pick it up for weeks.

Photo of Emelie
3 stars
Oct 31, 2022

This book was nothing special... In fantasy I feel like it's always a person with a rough past, who has or gets a "superpower", have a group of friends (3-5 people) and then save someone or something.. So yeah...

Photo of Ofelia
4 stars
Sep 11, 2022

** spoiler alert ** Il maggior complimento che posso fare questo libro, e che immagino riassuma anche il mio punto di vista finale, è: ma è davvero un Harmony? Non che io di Harmony ne abbia mai letti in realtà, ma basta guardare le copertine per capire cosa ci si troverà dentro (è anche vero che l'abito non fa il monaco, ma in questo caso non ne sono troppo sicura) mentre in "La farfalla di pietra" la storia d'amore è quasi marginale. A dirla tutta di per sè la storia d'amore non è una grande cosa, grazie al cielo non c'è nessun triangolo amoroso e i due non stanno attaccati come colla per tutte le oltre quattrocento pagine del libro ma è una storia scontata. Yelena è la lei della storia, Valek è il lui della storia, che mai succederà? Ovviamente si innamoreranno! Yelena non mi dispiaceva troppo all'inizio, alla fine con il fatto dei poteri eccezionali di maga mi è scaduta e lo stesso è successo a Valek. Era interessante all'inizio, ma la scrittrice lo ha reso troppo Gary-stue dandogli troppi tratti e praticamente nessun difetto (anzi, nessun difetto ora che ci penso) e a me i personaggi così risultano antipatici a pelle, non posso farci niente. Parlando anche degli altri personaggi bisogna riconoscere che di personaggi di sfondo ce ne sono parecchi, e questo è solo un bene, ma non tutti mi sono piaciuti. Il Comandante non è mi piaciuto affatto ed è un peccato perchè aveva buonissime potenzialità. La sua visione dei maghi mi ricorda molto Uther di Merlin, se qualcuno mi segue, odia i maghi per qualcosa che con i maghi non c'entra assolutamente niente ma deve pur prendersela con qualcuno e quindi sceglie i maghi. Il modo in cui scopriamo che è una donna non ha alcun senso, sarebbe stato più interessante far sì che si tradisse in qualche modo con Yelena dato che lei è una donna e non ci sono stati mai assaggiatori donne quindi era plausibile che lei notasse qualcosa che ad un uomo poteva sfuggire. I migliori della storia, a parer mio, sono Ari e Janco ed è un peccato ci siano così poco durante tutta la storia. I cattivi della storia, Brazell per primo, sono noiosi e la storia del fantasma che muove oggetti e parla con Yelena era assurda oltre a non portare niente alla storia. Così sembra che io ne voglia parlar male e invece no, a me il libro è piaciuto solo che non sono molto sicura di voler leggere il seguito visto che si lasceranno indietro tutti i personaggi interessanti per seguire solo Yelena immagino e la cosa mi piace poco.

Photo of Natalie Noble
Natalie Noble@nnoble
4.5 stars
Sep 11, 2022

This was such an effortless, page turning read, it’s a very solid 4 stars probably really 4.5

The plot, the character development, the political setting, the fantasy and magic was all so well done. This is a very accessible fantasy novel in my opinion as there isn’t a whole lot of info dumping and made up language.

The world building is quite simple because whilst magic is definitely present throughout its not necessarily at the forefront. This reads more like a historical political fiction with elements of magic.

I loved reading Yelena’s story and wondering who she could trust and how she was going to survive. Her character development was handled beautifully, from the present day relationships she was forming, to the revelations of her past. I’m so intrigued to see in the next book how her magic develops and if she finds her family.

I expected there to be more conflict with Valek, which has just become so usual of the love interests in the YA sphere, that I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was good the whole time! Where can I find a man that will carve a butterfly necklace for me? 🦋 I’m hoping he and Yelena are reunited ASAP in magic study.

Janco and Ari were great! I adored the friendship between them and Yelena and how protective they became of her. “Sieges weathered, fight together, friends forever” 🥺

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Annwyn Jensen
Annwyn Jensen@sprawlingonion
5 stars
Aug 31, 2022

I read this book in one day...

Photo of Tia Malt
Tia Malt @tee1998
3 stars
Aug 26, 2022

I was able to finish it (for Ari, Janco and Valek only) but considered giving up multiple times. Too drawn out with unnecessary plot arcs for my taste 3 stars

Photo of mevi
5 stars
Aug 17, 2022

4.5 stars This book has been on my wishlist for 2 years, waiting for it to go on sale on amazon but to no avail. I finally caved in and bought it... and I’m so happy I did. I love the world, characters, and the character building. Yelena’s backstory of how she became the food taster was predictable but raw. The way Snyder writes about her feelings, taste/smell, and surroundings made it easy to become immersed. I am definitely going to pick up other books by this author, and I am very satisfied. The only reason why it’s not a 5 star is because of how predictable it was. The villains are introduced in the beginning, and doesn’t lead to many or if any twists at all. It’s a very straightforward book, but doesn’t fail in any other way. My favorite character would have to be Valek. I love how mysterious he is without making his character bland, and how confident he is about who is he and what he does.

Photo of Livia
4 stars
Aug 13, 2022

3.75 rounded up to 4 Whew, what a way to start the year! I read the first half of the book on the tail-end of 2019 and finished it today. I admit, the first half is so very slow and a bit confusing, which is why it took me longer to get through it. The next half of the book improves and the plot became so much more interesting and exciting. The one thing that's bothering me is the age gap between Yelena and Valek. Yelena was around 19 in this book based on her backstory, but then Yelena mentions that Valek is 7 years younger than the Commander, which, based on Yelena's observation, is 40. That also means Valek is 33. Which means their age gap is 14 years. All I'm going to say about it is, WHAT THE HECK . Seriously. I can tolerate it if he's 25 or 26, but 33? Yelena, dear, I do like your dynamic with him, but he's way too old for you. I really like how the end of this book clearly sets up what the next book is going to be about. I can't wait to read about Yelena's journey as she learns about her family and her magic.

Photo of Sonja H
Sonja H@sonjah
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

Der Anfang des Buches ist wirklich spannend und mitreißend, doch je weiter man liest, umso zäher wird die Geschichte. Die Autorin hätte ein paar Ereignisse weglassen können, ohne der Erzählung zu schaden, aber vermutlich wäre dann keine Trilogie aus der Idee geworden. Aber alles in allem eine unterhaltsame Story ohne besonderen Tiefgang.

Photo of Allison Garrett
Allison Garrett@bookish_insomniac
4 stars
Jul 24, 2022

Poison Study is a book I read many years ago and loved for Yelena’s resourcefulness and grit when she becomes the Commander’s food taster. A convicted criminal, she trains under the elusive Varik and starts to trust and work with him to foil plots against the Commander. Pros: • Yelena- Like I said, Yelena faces a lot of difficult choices and while she still grieves what happens to her, she works to get stronger and train herself to survive. • Found family- Between a few soldiers, Varik, and other friends in the castle, Yelena makes her own family in Ixia. • Worldbuilding- I think Snyder did a great job of introducing the magic system and the history of the kingdom without it getting overwhelming. Cons: • Magic- I wish there had been a little more magic in this book. She is just now coming into it and I’m sure there will be a lot more in the next book, titled Magic Study. • Varik’s affection- I liked Yelena and Varik together, but I think their relationship could’ve been built a little more steadily throughout. I’m keeping my initial rating of 4/5 stars for Poison Study. It’s rare that I enjoy a book I read years ago just as much the second time around.

Photo of Marissa Luzio
Marissa Luzio @marissacelina
5 stars
May 18, 2022

This was a PHENOMENALbook! I mean.. wow. I was speechless at how much I LOVED this book! I read this book in about a day (which is pretty good). Just like the summary says, Yelena is in jail for a murder that she openly admits too and doesn't deny. That one line, throughout the whole book, reoccured many times and when it did, it would just remind me that Yelena is SUCH a strong character. I admire her so much to this day! Makes you want to be like her.. except the killing a man part haha. In the book, you find out that Yelena had PLENTY of reasons to kill this man, and I don't blame her one bit. What you find out is gruesome and that man deserved to die. This story, having such a dark story line also has romance as well. The romance was just.. just.. fantabulous. And I don't use that word very often.. but it was!!!! Valek.. mm I wish every women had a Valek in their life! You learn that Valek isn't innocent as well, and at first you might think he's just ruthless but noooooo oh no! He has every reason (just like Yelena) to do what he does. I admire Valek too because of his loyalty to someone he cares about.. For example, the Commander (his boss). You might be thinking: of course he'd be loyal to his boss! it's his boss! But really, his loyalty runs deeper then just boss-worker loyalty should go. And you will find that out in the book. So, please do read this one. I think everyone should at least read this, even if it isn't your genre type or you might think you won't like it, but everyone should experience this book.

Photo of Jaclyn
4 stars
Apr 24, 2022

*4.5* Everyone makes choices in life. Some bad, some good. It's called living, and if you want to bow out, then go right ahead. But don't do it halfway. Don't linger in whiners limbo. Really, really enjoyed this one! I'm still swooning over Valek here... "What have I earned from you, Valek? Loyalty? Respect? Trust?" "You have my attention. But give me what I want, and you can have everything." This fantasy story follows headstrong Yelena who is rotting in a dungeon awaiting execution for the crime of murdering someone when one day her entire life gets turned around. She is taken out of her dungeon and instead of being executed, she is offered to become the Commander food taster. A highly dangerous job where she can die at any moment from the hand of whoever plans to assassinate the Commander. Obviously she agrees, and trains and learns all these different poisons from a super handsome assassin named Valek. There's magic, political intrigue, romance, and heart stopping action. Trusting is hard. Knowing who to trust, even harder. I absolutely loved Yelena. She was so badass and I loved her development throughout the book! She becomes to strong and so powerful and I loved watching her become this kickass warrior after everything she went through. She's funny, witty, and doesn't take crap from anyone. It was so fun to read! I loved watching her meet everyone in the castle and learn to defend herself and then open up her heart to Valek. Poisoned, pursued, and living with a psychopath. Not what I would consider the good life. Death has it's perks. I LOVED Valek! I love his slow burning relationship with Yelena but also how loyal he was to his cause. He was so LOYAL! He's one of those people that once you earn his trust, he will stand by you to the death. He's THAT passionate. He's also extremely badass and ridiculously gorgeous. Did I mention GORGEOUS? Like seriously this guys mirrors models in my mind and I'm still drooling. And he's so SMART. He reminded me a little bit of Dimitri from Vampire Academy with how badass he is, with the shoulder length hair and total warrior atmosphere he gives off. I was squealing at all of us his scenes with Yelena! I SHIP them so hard! The banter. The declarations! Them learning how to open their hearts to one another and start to trust and admire the other. There was no INSTA which I seriously appreciated! It was a slow burn but the right amount of intense slow burn to keep you reading more and more. "Yelena, you've driven me crazy. You've caused me considering trouble and I've contemplated ending your life twice since I've known you." Valeks warm breath in my ear sent a shiver down my spine. "But you've slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart." "That sounds more like a poison than a person," was all I could say. His confession had both shocked and thrilled me. "Exactly," Valek replied. "You have poisoned me." *clutches pillow* SHIP The other aspect I really enjoyed was the magic involved. Their was a ton of actions and so many of the chapters ended in cliffhangers but I loved watching magic slowly edge it's way into the series. Then when the bomb shell hits, its awesome! I really liked the politics involved too. This world is fantasy but has a military vibe to it. Super cool and interesting! I really liked that mix and the characters in this world were wonderful. I really liked Yelenas friendship with Ari and Janco! I loved how protective they were of her! Sieges weathered, fight together, friends forever. The only issue I had was I felt that certain scenes were a little rushed. I would have liked to see all those scenes we overlooked! I get how it was particularly necessary but I still wanted more! The writing was very straight forwarded. And the ending was kind of rushed too. But overall this is an addicting, different, fun, and fast paced first book in what is sure to be, a great series. I'm excited to get to Magic Study! And read more of Valek and Yelena because OTP. Definitely recommend if you are looking for something unique, easy to understand, and extremely addicting. "An execution order hasn't kept us apart before. There are ways to get around it. We will be together." "Is that an order?" "No a promise."