
Lance Willett@lancewillett
Must-read for all thinkers and learners. Acts well as both inspiration and reference. View my full review here: https://simpledream.net/2016/04/19/pr... Hat tip: Nikolay Bachiyski.

Georgi Mitrev@gmitrev

Gabriel Ayuso@gabrielayuso

Tomek Skupiński@tomekskupinski

Jake Novick@notjacob

Bruce Wang@number5

Rito Ghosh@stoic6029

Kevin Ridgway@read247365

Søren Nielsen@sorennielsen

Chuck D'Antonio@crdant

Milan Aleksić@milanaleksic

Liza @lazer

Alexander Lobov@alexlobov

Umut Doğan@umutdogan

Barry Hess@bjhess

Jason Long@jasonlong

Nikolay Bachiyski@nb
