Private Vegas

Private Vegas

Las Vegas is a city of contradictions: seedy and glamorous, secretive and wild, Vegas attracts people of all kinds--especially those with a secret to hide, or a life to leave behind. It's the perfect location for Lester Olsen's lucrative business. He gets to treat gorgeous, young women to five-star restaurants, splashy shows, and limo rides--and then he teaches them how to kill. Private Jack Morgan spends most of his time in Los Angeles, where his top investigation firm has its headquarters. But a hunt for two criminals leads him to the city of sin--and to a murder ring that is more seductively threatening than anything he's witnessed before. PRIVATE VEGAS brings James Patterson's Private series to a sensational new level.
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Photo of Barbara Williford
Barbara Williford@barbarawilliford
3.5 stars
Jan 31, 2025

What a book! This is one I could not put down. When Mattie’s former fiancé and co-worker goes missing, the who team at Private Berlin must come together to search for him. What they find is a troubling past that goes all the way up through the government of Berlin.

**I did not realize this was the 5th book in a series. However, it can be read as a stand alone.

Trigger warnings: war crimes, graphic sexual content, torture.

Photo of Menna Khaled
Menna Khaled@menna-khaled
1 star
Aug 31, 2022

I REGRET BUYING THIS BOOK It is a failure and disappointment The story line has many flaws The murders are the only thing that is done pretty well I wasn't excited A Team should have each others back not just hand one of them to the bad police to be idk what it was sexual,physical, emotional abuse just because of the slightest doubt that he might be the killer And then u wonder why the guy didn't tell u about his past U did what he was afraid of Then u feel bad that he committed suicide And the book had no research done It was insulting to me personally as it insulted my religion and other religions Like come on not one good character of any religion was there Lets talk about my religion(islam) first cause that is what i know 100% about I can assure u that not all muslims are drug dealers that own strip clubs and have sex with underage girls Or terrorists that want to bomb everyone Same for other religions All religions have good examples and bad examples The book just hit the light on all the bad stuff in everything in this world In pov if i have read that book without knowing indians and India I would have got a really bad idea The book just pointed out the bad aspects in everything I hated it

Photo of Magda Pais
Magda Pais@magda
3 stars
Aug 15, 2022

Este livro foi o meu primeiro contacto com um autor que - dizem - é excelente. Não posso dizer que tenha ficado especialmente encantada com a leitura, sinceramente pareceu-me demasiado leve para um "excitante e vibrante thriller". Mas é a minha opinião. Pode ser que, com os outros todos que tenho para ler deste autor, ela acabe por mudar. Jack Morgan salvou-se, por pouco, da morte em combate. O pai, um criminoso que se encontra preso, semanas antes de morrer, doa-lhe a agência de investigação que vale milhares de dólares e onde a tecnologia ao dispor dos investigadores é a mais moderna. Ao mesmo tempo, chegam à Private três casos que vão por toda a agência em sentido para os resolver. Primeiro a morte de Shelby. Shelby foi sua amante até que conheceu Andy, o melhor amigo de Jack. E é Andy que a descobre, assassinada, na cama, baleada na testa - uma execução bem ao estilo da máfia. Naturalmente o marido é o principal suspeito da polícia mas Jack move o céu e a terra para provar a sua inocência. Mas primeiro tem de descobrir quem era, afinal Shelby e quem a quereria matar. Ao mesmo tempo Fred, o tio de Jack, começa a desconfiar que algo não está a correr bem no campeonato de futebol americano. Alguns resultados parecem estranhos e só a Private poderá descobrir o que se passa. Quando morre mais uma adolescente em circunstâncias pouco claras, a polícia local resolve contactar a Private e os seus investigadores para colaborarem. Afinal morreram 18 adolescentes em menos e dois anos sem que apareçam pistas algumas que possam ajudar a solucionar este caso. Acresce ainda que cada uma das adolescentes morreu de forma diferente e, por isso, não há certezas que seja apenas um assassino. E será que são apenas estas as mortes ou haverá mais? Enquanto a agência resolve estes casos, os agentes - Jack Morgan incluído - tem os seus próprios assuntos pessoais para resolver. Estarão relacionados? Como já disse, não é um livro excepcional. É um livro que se lê bem, bem construído, com os detalhes necessários para se tornar interessante. Vamos ver como vão ser os restantes deste autor.

Photo of Nimish
2 stars
Aug 13, 2022

Having read The Rozabal Line and The Krishna Key, I had huge expectations from this novel. But despite finishing it in a span of two days, there's really nothing that has really stayed back. The novel starts off well, but somehow feels rushed. This is further validated by the introduction of a random additional sub plot towards the end. That was just lame. It felt like watching the last season of How I Met Your Mother, where even though you have no intention to watch it, you proceed because you have invested time in the previous 8 seasons. This is a novel clearly meant for the international (read American) audience and is evident from the fact that every single desi reference is explained. Ashwin Sanghi tries to get in his mythological edge into the story, but that again feels rushed. Unlike in The Krishna Key and Rozabal Line, where the mythological tid bits take the narrative forward, here the stories behind the ritualistic murders are just that - stories. The short chapter length ensures that you read a lot more of the novel in little time, but the authors have kept the back stories of the multiple characters short as well. Apart from the lead character - Santosh Wagh - the other characters are barely given space to grow organically. That had been the case in The Krishna Key as well, but there the story was the star. Here I felt neither was the case. I still respect both the authors and would still read their novels individually. But this partnership, somehow didn't work for me.

Photo of Sonja H
Sonja H@sonjah
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

Zu diesem Buch gibt es eigentlich nicht viel zu sagen. Man begegnet den üblichen Verdächtigen des Autors: bösen Schurken, schönen Frauen, mysteriösen Figuren und natürlich den selbstlosen Guten. Die Story selbst ist weder besonders schlecht noch besonders gut, sie hat ihre spannenden Momente, aber auch ihre Längen. Kann man lesen, muss man aber nicht.

Photo of Nicola McCartney
Nicola McCartney@xonicolaxox
5 stars
Aug 2, 2022

Another novel which makes me fall in love with the Private series even more. It was full of twists and turns, always going in an unpredictable direction. There was the introduction of several new characters into the series and I hope to see more of these new characters in future books. The plot thickened over the chapters and turned into one of the biggest cases Private had ever been involved with, and of course, no Private story is complete without protagonist Jack Morgan running into trouble with police, politics and dancing with the devil. It will be interesting to see where his on-off relationship with second in command Justine Smith ends up in the following additions to the series. I would highly recommend this book and am looking forward to reading the next instalment.

Photo of Caitlyn Phillips
Caitlyn Phillips@teaandcountryreads
5 stars
Jan 10, 2022

Can't get enough of James Patterson - and definitely loving this new series! So thrilling! Couldnt put it down.

Photo of Michelle Boyea
Michelle Boyea@caffeinatedbibliophile
5 stars
Oct 27, 2021

As always, James Patterson writes an incredible story from beginning to end. It's thrilling, suspenseful, engaging, and exciting from the first page to the last. You gotta love and hate jack. You love him for the guy he is but you hate him for how he treats Justine. But can you really blame him when he's been through so much? This book put more emphasis on Rick than the others which was a great change. I would love to read more of his back story though. And in the end, karma wins!

Photo of Alyssa Jacunski
Alyssa Jacunski@unread-shelves
5 stars
Sep 3, 2021

What it's about At the German headquarters of the world's most powerful investigation firm, Chris Schneider is a superstar agent. He keeps his methods secret, but when he suddenly disappears, he becomes the agency's most urgent case yet. Another top agent at Private Berlin, Mattie Engel is gorgeous, ambitious - and Chris's ex-lover. Determined to find him, Mattie follows the people he was investigating before he vanished: a billionaire suspected of cheating on his wife, a soccer star accused of throwing games, and a nightclub owner with ties to the Russian mob. Mattie's chase takes her deep into Chris's shocking past, the dark history of Berlin itself and on the brink of a terrifying discovery that could force Europe to the edge of chaos and destruction. Why I loved it To say I loved this book would be an understatement. I found myself staying up to just read one more chapter, to just read one more part of this book. At some point I finished book, and couldn't believe it was over. Patterson keeps you engaged throughout the entire story. You want to keep reading and know what happens to all the characters. Why you should read it If you like Patterson's other work, I highly suggest reading this one. It ranks as one of my top favorite Patterson books. My rating 5/5 stars

Photo of Sarah
Sarah @scrappyreadermum
3 stars
Aug 31, 2021

I wasn't as drawn into this as I was by Private. Nor did I realise this is the fourth in the series! God I'm slow! I hate reading anything out of order I'm weird like that. But still I felt the plot was easy to guess too. I did like Dan. His ex wife is a tad bit over the top with the jealousy with miss chambers. I liked the book I just didn't love it.

Photo of Cortni Bell
Cortni Bell@cortni
4 stars
Apr 16, 2024
Photo of Patricia Nelson
Patricia Nelson@tnelson577
1 star
Aug 23, 2023
Photo of Kate Lillie
Kate Lillie@lilliek1
3 stars
Aug 2, 2023
Photo of Veronica Rivera
Veronica Rivera@vriveral
4 stars
May 23, 2023
Photo of Monique Baham
Monique Baham@moniqueb
3 stars
Mar 5, 2023
Photo of Monique Baham
Monique Baham@moniqueb
3 stars
Mar 5, 2023
Photo of Savindi Jinasena
Savindi Jinasena@streetlightreader
3 stars
Jan 23, 2023
Photo of Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis@franlewis
2 stars
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis@franlewis
2 stars
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis@franlewis
3 stars
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis@franlewis
2 stars
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis@franlewis
2 stars
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of Tess
3 stars
Nov 22, 2022
Photo of Amber Brianne
Amber Brianne@bookbrianne
5 stars
Aug 14, 2022