Process-Aware Information Systems Bridging People and Software Through Process Technology
A unifying foundation to design and implement process-awareinformation systems This publication takes on the formidable task of establishing aunifying foundation and set of common underlying principles toeffectively model, design, and implement process-aware informationsystems. Authored by leading authorities and pioneers in the field,Process-Aware Information Systems helps readers gain a thoroughunderstanding of major concepts, languages, and techniques forbuilding process-aware applications, including: * UML and EPCs: two of the most widely used notations for businessprocess modeling * Concrete techniques for process design and analysis * Process execution standards: WfMC and BPEL * Representative commercial tools: ARIS, TIBCO Staffware, andFLOWer Each chapter begins with a description of the problem domain andthen progressively unveils relevant concepts and techniques.Examples and illustrations are used extensively to clarify andsimplify complex material. Each chapter ends with a set ofexercises, ranging from simple questions to thought-provokingassignments. Sample solutions for many of the exercises areavailable on the companion Web site. Armed with a new and deeper understanding, readers are betterpositioned to make their own contributions to the field andevaluate various approaches to a particular task or problem. Thispublication is recommended as a textbook for graduate and advancedundergraduate students in computer science and information systems,as well as for professionals involved in workflow and businessprocess management, groupware and teamwork, enterprise applicationintegration, and business-to-business integration. A Solution's Manual is available online. An Instructor Support FTPsite is also available.