what is this thing ANATHEMA

what is this thing ANATHEMA

“Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality Worship without sacrifice. https://vidjambov.blogspot.com/2023/01/book-inventory-vladimir-djambov-talmach.html What is this thing ANATHEMA o Part one. Background * Prot. K. Nikolsky [1]. Anatomy (excommunication) performed in the first week of Lent * The use of anathema in the Christian Church until the 9th century * Compilation of the rank of Orthodoxy, additions and changes to it, printed and manuscript ranks * Prayer singing * Anathematization of the Synodic * Excommunication from the church of Leo Tolstoy * Definition of the Holy Synod of February 20-22, 1901 No. 557 with a message to the faithful children of the Orthodox Greek-Russian Church on Count Leo Tolstoy * Response of Metropolitan Antony to Countess S.A. Tolstoy [63] * Reply St. Rev. John of Kronstadt [64] to appeal by count Leo Tolstoy to the clergy * Hieromartyr John Vostorgov [65]. From press reviews of the false teachings of Count L. Tolstoy [66] * Two anathemas by His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon [70] * The message of His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon on the anathematization of those who create lawlessness and persecutors of the faith and the Orthodox Church on 01/19/19/18 [71] * Message from His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon on helping the starving and seizing church values ​​15 / 28.02. 1922 [72] * Excommunication of publicly blaspheming the name of God [74] in the Khrushchev persecution of the Church * Extract from the decree of His Holiness the Patriarch and the Holy Synod No. 23 of December 30, 1959 [75] * Biographies of the three excommunicated mentioned in the decree of the Holy Patriarchate and the Holy Synod: Osipov, Darmansky and Duluman [76] * Speech by Patriarch Alexy I on the anniversary of the Khrushchev persecution of the Church [78] * * Historical reference. A brief summary of the Khrushchev persecution of the Church [79] * Anathema who shed innocent blood (1993) [80] * Statement of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church 10/01/1993 * Appeal of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church and hierarchs who arrived on the day of memory of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius on 08.10.1993 [81] * Excerpt from a conversation with the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev) [82] * Excommunication to sectarians, neopagans and occultists [83] * Definition of the Council of Bishops [84] of the Russian Orthodox Church "On Pseudo-Christian Sects, Neopaganism and Occultism" [85] * From the acts of the Council of Bishops in 1997 [86] * Act on excommunication of the monk Filaret (Denisenko) from the Church [87] * The act of excommunication from the Church of Gleb Pavlovich Yakunin [91] * Definition of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church “On the deprivation of the dignity of archimandrites Valentin (Rusantsov), Adrian (Antiquities) and Father Superior Joasaph (Shibaev) banned in the priesthood” * Excerpt from a conversation with the head of the secretariat of the Council, the Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop of Solnechnogorsk Sergiy [93] o Part two. Saints of the Orthodox Church about anathema * St. John Chrysostom. word about anathema (curse) [94] * Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) [96]. Word in the Week of Orthodoxy o Part Three. Modern theologians about anathema * Deacon Andrei Kuraev. What does excommunication mean [100] * Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin). About anathema Often we hear this terrible word - anathema - without thinking about its meaning. Some consider the anathema an excommunication, others - a curse similar to spiritual death. Why is the Church preaching love and mercy pronouncing this cruel word? This book contains historical and theological works on the essence of anathema and on the rite of anathematization now being revived in liturgical life, performed on the first Sunday of Great Lent - on Orthodoxy Week. It provides an opinion on the anathema of the saints of the Orthodox Church (St. John Chrysostom, St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), St. John of Kronstadt), modern theologians, as well as the definition of the Holy Synod and acts of the Council of Bishops on excommunication of famous historical figures from the ancient times to the present day. We hope that the book will help you understand this healing action of the Holy Church, designed to protect the church people from spiritual diseases – heresies and schisms. ANATHEMA Publicly declared excommunication man from ecclesial communion. It applies to certain people as the highest disciplinary measure of ecclesiastical penalties for serious public sins against the Church, as a rule, for heretical or schismatic movement. Anathema also undergo certain theological statements. This means that such statements are not only false, but generally incompatible with Orthodox faith and, therefore, lead to a falling away from it (heresy). In the church sense of the word anathema has not cursed the person (eg, a heretic), wishing him ill, and says it is the actual determination of the Church. If he is alive, he has a chance to repent and return to church. In Synodikon with anathemas most famous heretics (which must be read in the church on the feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in the first week of Lent) states that they have already laid the anathema. Thus, public anathema only brings to the public a fait accompli of their falling away (upon heresy) from the Church. Although the heretics who have been subjected to anathema, fell away from the Church - the Body of Christ, the question of their posthumous fate remains an open question, since God judges them. Commandment stop ecclesial communion with heretics is already in the letter of the Apostle Paul: ... the heretic man denies vedy, for theirs is such is subverted, and sins, and there is self-condemned (Titus 3: 10-11.). The act of public anathema not only serves as a warning against falling away into heresy and call to repentance for those who have already dropped out, but also becomes a kind of church law (canon), whose knowledge is necessary for bishops, priests, and of all those who teach the people Orthodox faith. If the lack of warning "anathema" signal could be a mitigating factor for fallen away, the presence of an aggravating circumstance is anathema to those who knew about it, she decided to neglect, as well as for those who do not bother to learn about it.
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