PS, I Love You

PS, I Love You


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Photo of Arturo Hernández
Arturo Hernández@artthh
4 stars
Jan 3, 2023

This is a story about the aftermath of loving someone so much and then letting them go all of the sudden. The whole book aims to respond: What do you do when the one person you loved dies?

Photo of Aistė
4.9 stars
Dec 23, 2022

A touching story about coping with grief and learning to move on with life, PS, I love you is a beautifully written book that I absolutely adored from start to finish.

Throughout the book, we see many changes in Holly's relationships with people, good and bad, and we see all her struggles, as well as her happy moments, as she slowly learns to deal with her grief. She finds herself in plenty of situations that we can relate to, and we are there with a tissue in hand to support her all the way through!

Overall an absolutely brilliant read, I truly felt connected to Holly, and I rooted for her the whole way through; I would definitely read it again!

Photo of Gayathri Jinesh
Gayathri Jinesh@mycauldronisleaky
2 stars
Dec 4, 2022

Bunch of 30yr olds, behaving like teenagers.

Photo of Gisela Ayala
Gisela Ayala @giselasmusings
3 stars
Sep 7, 2022

Lit chicks review to come!!!! <3

Photo of Léa
4 stars
Aug 25, 2022

Une super lecture, vraiment, j'ai beaucoup aimé la plume de Cecelia Ahern. Je suis passée par un tas d'émotions durant ma lecture, j'ai navigué entre la joie, la tristesse ect... Ce livre est rafraîchissant, on ne s'ennuie pas et pour quelqu'un comme moi, qui a l'habitude de livre exclusivement du fantasy/fantastique, j'ai adoré cette lecture.

Photo of Zee Abbas
Zee Abbas @zee_a
3 stars
Aug 16, 2022

The plot was good, the writing didn't do it for me. Exclamation marks at all the wrong places.

Photo of Navya
Navya @nico1195
4 stars
Aug 12, 2022

** spoiler alert ** The first book when i cried . Garry's death broke me apart .

Photo of Sian Wadey
Sian Wadey@sianwadeykerr
1 star
Aug 12, 2022

PS, I Love You by Cecelia Ahern There was only one thing going for this book, and that's what I call 'the pull', the thing that makes you keep turning the pages, even when you're really tired. Other than that there was so much wrong with it. I watched the film first and I'm glad I did, because I actually thought it was better than the book. Also, without the film, I would have had no images in my head for any of the characters. For a start, I had no idea where the book was set. It eventually revealed that it was Ireland, so that was fine. The character of Holly slowly got on my nerves. The things she did and said began to grate on me the further it went on. Her friends were the same person pretty much. I also had no sense of Gerry at all. I had no idea what he looked like, what his interests were or anything. It all seemed a bit inappropriate that Holly was checking out other men within months of her husband passing. The dialogue was really strange as well, people don't talk like that! Ahern also used adjectives like 'bitchily'. I didn't think that was a word. I thougt the story in the film would've made a much better book. The whole thing was much more romantic. Gerry sent Holly to the place where they met rather than to Lanzarote and the letters arrived at random. The only thing the film lacked were the family present in the book, which I thought was needed, and the ending was rather unrealistic. She started up a shoe shop from nothing! I hope Ahern gets better because there's something there for her to work with.

Photo of Raavee
Raavee @raavee
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

I've always been a sucker for Cecelia Ahern's writing, but this one disappointed quite a bit.

I don't know what it was, there just wasn't the charm from her other books. Its a beautiful story all the same, but a little lacking on the writing I believe.

I'm a killer for epilogues, but I couldn't bring myself to read the follow up next part. Sigh, off to re read 'if you could see me now'

Photo of Vilde
4 stars
Jul 25, 2022

It's been years since I read P.S. I Love You!, and to be honest I don't really remember a lot from it, but there's a lingering emotional impression from it. It's strange to pick up the threads of a book that you previously read for perhaps over 10 years ago (...), but in a way also a reunion in a way. I was however a bit hesitant about what could one possibly be convey with Postscript, but I was positively surprised, it is a nice touch to the characters and their stories.

Photo of Sara Hakkoum
Sara Hakkoum@sarahakk
4 stars
Jun 28, 2022

A very nice read, slightly predictable, but with a very nice ending and moral.

Photo of Jenny
5 stars
Feb 5, 2022

Such a beautiful story about love and loss. Learning to love life over and over again, and dealing with grief along the way. I felt so connected to this story. It took a while to get through because I didn’t want it to end! The three main character’s friendship is pure and real, and it was so fun to dip into their lives in this story. I wish there was a part 2. This book made me laugh and cry throughout! Writing is a little repetitive but it doesn’t take away from the heartwarming story.

Photo of always, annej 〄
always, annej 〄@trappedinsidestories
5 stars
Feb 1, 2022

This book is about losing someone you love, coping up, and learning to live (and love) again. It is not only about the sad moments but more of remembering the memories with joy and large doses of laughter. Don’t judge me, I’m not a bad person. It’s just that, the story was very entertaining and these characters are so funny. Maybe I cried? But it was while I was laughing so hard. While reading it, I feel so light and happy. Even though there were still down times, the whole book centered more on living. After reading it, I feel like I just want to… live. The book also provides warmth and coziness from all these people who are so natural and loving and funny. Even while the lead character was suffering from grief, they walked with her. Until she eventually learned how to walk on her own. You can actually feel their affection seeping out from the pages. These true friends and adorable family gave more color to this story. Because I can’t stop mentioning the hilariousness in this book, I want to share one of my favorite laugh out loud scenes with you. The Girls in the City documentary This was a documentary created by the main character’s brother for his project. It ended up being aired on television and accidentally made the lead, her sister and her girl friends to be instant famous. What’s funny about this is the fact that these girls are unaware they were being filmed. They did but due to the influence of alcohol, they weren’t bothered about it. So they went bar hopping drunk and did the craziest of things. They managed to get inside a celebrity only club where the lead told the bouncers she was a princess and her sister was a famous singer. The funnier thing? these guys believed them and they were welcomed inside. Not long after they’re doing their silly adventures inside (act like celebrities and do operation Gold Curtain), these guys realized they’re just faking it. The funniest thing? the lead and her girl friends hid under the bed covers and lie as flat and still as they could. They’re not so good at hiding though because they’re bodies are very noticeable on the cover. Then the guys pulled the covers . They were like idiots so stiffly caught on act. The lead managed to say a very funny slur of her fail attempt at being a princess. They’re thrown outside of course but only after their silly attempts to persuade the guys they were real celebs. It was absolutely hilarious to witness that scene. Weeks later, they watched that documentary before airing it on TV. Their friends and family couldn’t stop laughing and so are everyone else who watched it on TV. The plot. The worst already happened at the start of the story. So what you can expect for the next scenes are series of small down and tons of laughing moments. The setting. Hopping from pub to pub, locally and to another country, you can expect parties, beaches, cities in Ireland (of course), clubs, and gardens. The romance. Not much of romance for our girl but for the other characters, there will be. The romance for our lead consists of flashback memories. The characters. Everyone is funny in their own ways. Old relationships will stay, there will be new ones, and of course, surprises for them all. The ending.

Photo of Allison Francis
Allison Francis@library_of_ally
2 stars
Jan 9, 2022

This is ine of those rare cases where I actually like the movie better than the book. They both tell the stories in two different ways and I found the movie version to be the better retelling. I felt the book Holly was a boring character as she did not have much uniqueness about her personality.

Photo of cossette
4 stars
Dec 14, 2021

have not sobbed my silly little eyes out like this over a book in a while!

Photo of Laurie Abrial
Laurie Abrial@lau_reads
3 stars
Nov 18, 2021

J'ai beaucoup pleuré, mais rien à voir avec la magie du film ! Déçue...

Photo of Kim
4 stars
Oct 6, 2021

I really, really enjoyed this book up until the next to last chapter. It made me feel sad, cry, laugh and pretty much every other emotion. I just feel like she built up this great story and let it crash and burn at the end. I was a little let down.

Photo of Kourtney
5 stars
Oct 3, 2021

This book was very hard to read for me. While on one hand I loved it and will have it on my bookshelf for life, on the other hand it made me cry buckets throughout. It helped me take stock of my life and appreciate those around me (and knowing my boyfriend would never do that for me! Jealous!)

Photo of Sarah
Sarah @scrappyreadermum
2 stars
Aug 31, 2021

I liked the book don't get me wrong. It was just slow. The real emotion didn't start for me until halfway through the book. I felt like I was getting nothing from Holly but depression and it didn't seem right and kinda bored me. To be fair, I just finished Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes and that was an emotional rollacoster. The ending was good, not what I expected, it was right though.

Photo of Joleen
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021

They completely butchered this book when they made it into a movie. Like most I saw the movie first and barely got around to reading it. Yes the movie itself was beautiful but they changed everything. This book was beautiful and it didn't need changing. There wasn't anything wrong with the book that they had to completely gut it and keep just the outline of it. Great read!

Photo of Janet Doré
Janet Doré@vistacanas
3 stars
Jul 28, 2021

As I was reading this book, I kept thinking that it would make a better movie than a book. For me, the writing was too simplistic and predictable. I guess with all my reading, I'm getting a little more literary!

Photo of Leah
Leah @leahreadsalot
2.5 stars
Sep 11, 2022
Photo of Tierney Ahad
Tierney Ahad@tierneyclarke
4 stars
Mar 29, 2022
Photo of Mateja
5 stars
Mar 9, 2022