Amit Srivastava, Puneet Batra, Saurabh Sonar, Vaibhav Kumar
Aligners in Orthodontics

Aligners in Orthodontics

Aligners in orthodontics is a latest technology that has evolved in an attempt to achieve improved tooth alignment and occlusion. Among the various clear aligner treatment modalities available to orthodontists today, Invisalign is one of the most widely recognized, developed by Align Technology Inc in the late 1990s. Invisalign uses three dimensional. An alternative for fixed orthodontic appliance is Invisalign which has been available since 1999 and offers not only the advantage of better esthetics but also the convenience of removal during food and beverage consumption, as well as oral care. (3-D) technology to create a series of aligners to move teeth.The use of clear aligners to produce orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) provides an opportunity to measure incremental movement and investigate factors that might affect the rate of movement. Clear aligners with sequentially programmedmovement provide an excellent model for investigatingtooth movement. A single tooth can be isolated, and frequent measurements made with polyvinylsiloxane or digital impressions provide incremental information regarding the pattern of movement.
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