Pygmy--a young adult from a totalitarian state, disguised as an exchange student--plans a terrorist attack and depicts U.S. Midwestern life through the eyes of a hateful, indoctrinated little killer, in this double-edged satire of American xenophobia by the best-selling author of Fight Club.

Patrick Book@patrickb
Everyone who has previously reviewed this book on here needs to settle down.

Alejandro AR@kinduff
Of course Palahniuk can be raw, aggressive and dirty, but Pygmy really details a good story that reflects on our daily perception of racism, nationalism, and the sexual nature of humans. Very nice write up, and very good ending. As always.

Pat G.@badsleeper

Grace McCarter@gracemccarter
An experimental novel. I found the language jarring as hell, but beat my way through to the end regardless. Pygmy had its finer points, but I wouldn't read this again!


kody probst@kodypro


Anne @annedemonium

alina s@asupernova

Doug Aguililla @dougagui

Kyle Vice@kylevice

Cindy Lieberman@chicindy


Tasha Dykstra@tashy

Amanda Gilson@dinkycrow

Angelo Zinna@angelozinna

Diesel Cheung@insectcondo

Sara Bean Duncan@modesthiccup

Kerry Gibbons@kerryiscool

Emily Perkovich@undermeyou

Joe Woods@woods

Clarence Wee@clarence

Jess Ostrander@metalheadreader13

Raymie Smith@raymie