Queen of Blood

Queen of Blood Die Bestimmung. Roman

Jill Myles2018
Seit Jahrzehnten wird das Volk der Vidari grausam von den Blutprinzen unterdrückt. Durch einen Zufall gelangt die junge Seri an den Hof der geheimnisvollen Herrscher, soll dort für den Widerstand der Vidari spionieren. Als sie den Blutprinzen Graeme kennenlernt, kommen Seri plötzlich Zweifel an ihrer Mission. Doch in dem heraufziehenden Krieg ist kein Platz für Zweifel oder Gefühle - und schon bald muss Seri sich entscheiden, ob sie ihr Volk oder ihre Liebe verraten soll ...
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Photo of Sade A
Sade A@bitterblue
1 star
Jan 19, 2023

This book was disappointing. The chemistry between Seri and the prince felt forced and I quite frankly wasn't feeling it..the writing just didn't flow and reading the characters words I just kept picturing actors in a D list movie where everyone's lines seems forced with zero chemistry

Photo of Jessica
Jessica @jessicabeckett
4 stars
Aug 25, 2021

Blog | Twitter | Instagram As a note, an e-galley of this novel was sent to me via NetGalley by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinions in any way. You can find my full review of QUEEN OF BLOOD here on BOOKED J's Blogspot location. I’ve found my newest book love and obsession. That’s the only thing I can start my review with because realistically speaking, that’s my first thought. Queen of Blood (previously released as Betrothed) is consuming me right now and has left me with a massive book hangover. I'm just -- it was so good. Initially, my first thought upon seeing Alloy Entertainment’s newest fantasy-romance-paranormal novel was “WOW! This is gonna be excellent!” because the summary alone blew my fucking mind. Excuse my language, but I’m serious: it blew my fucking mind. And unsurprisingly, I was intrigued and ready to dive into this promising novel. There’s so much intrigue in the summary for Queen of Blood that will make readers wonder if the novel itself can live up to all it promises. And I’m happy to say that yes, it most certainly can, in all its magical and intriguing young adult glory. Alloy has, once again, published an incredibly fun and fast paced story that will leave readers scrambling for an adaption or a sequel. Like, pronto.

Photo of Jéssica Canais
Jéssica Canais@jarrli
4 stars
Sep 3, 2021