Queen Song
Light hearted

Queen Song

Mare Barrow's world is divided by blood -- those with common, Red blood serve the Silver-blooded elite, who are gifted with superhuman abilities. Mare is a Red, scraping by as a thief in a poor, rural village, until a twist of fate throws her in front of the Silver court. Before the king, princes, and all the nobles, she discovers she has an ability of her own. To cover up this impossibility, the king forces her to play the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons. As Mare is drawn further into the Silver world, she risks everything and uses her new position to help the Scarlet Guard -- a growing Red rebellion -- even as her heart tugs her in an impossible direction. One wrong move can lead to her death, but in the dangerous game she plays, the only certainty is betrayal.
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Photo of Zaira A
Zaira A @zai
4 stars
Jul 28, 2023

After finishing the Red Queen, I noticed that there were two more novellas that go alongside with the story. Queen of song gives you a inside story of Coriane's life (Prince Cal's mother) before she became Queen. Coriane character seems very different to what I imagine her to be a little bit more stronger. It was refreshing to see her in a more vulnerable stage and showing her insecurities thorough her diary. I completely love how her relationship with Prince Tiberias developed. I hated Elara in Red, still hate her even more on Queen Song. Overall it was very quick and enjoyable book. I really wished the book had more details about how she passed away, since it still such a mystery.

Photo of Beatriz Pereira
Beatriz Pereira@biatiiz
4 stars
Nov 9, 2022

I really liked knowing more about the mother of Cal. Even tho she was a little nuts. Victoria Aveyard wrote a small story so well!

Photo of Marchelle
3 stars
Oct 18, 2022

3/5 "She was happy, yes, in her own way, as best she knew. But there is a difference between a single candle in darkness, and a sunrise."

Photo of Mariyah
3 stars
Aug 12, 2022

3/5 ⭐️ I should really read book after book in a series instead of waiting a while. I barely remembered the characters and didn’t even realize whose point of view it was in for a while.

Photo of Ale ♡
Ale ♡@lantsov
3 stars
Aug 1, 2022

Can you believe that I'm rating this novella higher than Red Queen, the actual book? Insane, I know, but at least Coriane was more likable than Mare. I do however, think that Elara is a bitch for what she did to Coriane and that Cori should've stood up for herself and make Elara suffer. Tibe really loved her, also seeing part of his past was amazing! So sad that prince Robert wasn't mentioned in Red Queen. Also, now I know where Cal has that thing for fix up machines.

Photo of Ella Zegarra
Ella Zegarra@ellieroth
2 stars
Jan 9, 2022

te vas a ir derechito al infierno elara :D aún así me sigues cayendo bien :D Original de: El Extraño Gato del Cuento He llegado al punto dónde no sé si me gusta los libros de esta serie o el fandom que esta serie de libros creo. Cuando leí Red Queen (Reina Roja en español), me gustó mucho el concepto de la historia aunque no tanto como estuvo desarrollado. Es uno de esos libros que si pasa mucho tiempo entre publicación de libros en la serie, te vas dando cuenta de sus errores y cuando llega el siguiente, todo esa excitación que te genero al inicio, no acompaña al nuevo libro. Para mí la emoción de leer Queen Song es por gran culpa de Tumblr, todas esas teorías sobre si Coriane en realidad esta viva y muchas otras, me daban demasiadas ganas de leer este historia corta. Que si bien disfrute, fue solo por Elara, Robert y la reina Anabel. Coriane es... no lo que esperaba de ella. Queen Song cuenta con solo seis capítulos cortos y los primeros tres, se me hicieron muy difíciles de congeniar con Coriane. Victoria Aveyard no supo convencerme con un personaje como el de Coriane. Es bastante fastidioso estar en su cabeza, la escritora quiso darme un personaje medio amargado y un tanto egoísta, pero no pudo hacerlo fácil de leer. Lo que sí me gusto, fue Elara, uno de mis personajes favoritos en Red Queen. Esta mujer tiene un presencia y maldad exquisita. Es en serio mala-maldita, después de esto no hay forma que le agrade a muchos. Yo la sigo adorando. Es que mientras Coriane es un personaje un poco soso, Elara es una villana imponente, difícil de opacar. No hablaré mucho de Robert y Anabel, solo que Anabel me gustaría saber un poco más de ella (tengo la sospecha que estos libros tendrán tantas historias cortas como The Selection ). Y Robert sweet cinnamon roll ♥ Queen Song lo califico como en lo que GoodReads le dice: It was okay, nada del otro mundo. Me ha puesto un poco preocupada, la verdad, si la escritora sigue con tanta fórmula pre-hecha, no tendrá buen futuro conmigo u.u Twitter || Blog || Pinterest || Tumblr || Instagram || Facebook

Photo of Sheila Goicea
Sheila Goicea@foalsfictionandfiligree
4 stars
Dec 23, 2021

He was a beautiful man, more than handsome, with eyes of liquid gold and cheekbones to make poets weep. This made me giggle, because I had no idea what it meant. Cheekbones to make poets weep!? Either they are extremely sharp that they could emit mortal wounds, or they were non-existent, and the poet wept for lack-there-of. This is a great example when purple prose just don't work.  Is it bad to say that I liked this novella more than Red Queen? Although short, and depressing, the realness of the tale of Coriane could not be ignored. This is the back story of Cal's mother, which is never discussed much in book one of the series. Born of a house with dwindling power (a part of the story I'd like to know more about, and how their decline came to be,) Coriane is least likely to catch the attention of another with much more power and title than her own. Prince Tiberias, chooses the unassuming girl to be his wife. They wed, and Coriane, although in love with Tibe, quickly falls apart (view spoiler)[ due to Elara messing with her mind. (hide spoiler)] The novella reveals the inner turmoil and unraveling of the previous queen, which ultimately leads to her demise. Why she doesn't just tell someone about Elara, I do not understand. I feel like Coriane just let things happen to her, without really engaging in the events herself. 3.5 stars. This review can also be viewed on my blog: She's Going Book Crazy

Photo of Natalie
Natalie @poppydaneer
2.5 stars
Dec 14, 2021

Not as good as read queen but it was interesting to hear the story of Cals mom.

Photo of Heather Solov
Heather Solov@heatherlovesreading
4 stars
Oct 22, 2021

Appreciated the back story of Cal's mother, as it gave some insights into the dynamic between Cal and Mare.

Photo of Kaele Perkins
Kaele Perkins @kaeleskrazybookobsession
4 stars
Oct 2, 2021

I love Queen Coriane. I hate Elara. Forever and always.

Photo of Wren Hardwick
Wren Hardwick@fablesandwren
2 stars
Aug 31, 2021

So I am reading the novella’s before Glass Sword comes out [so excited, really. I dream of coming home and finding it on my porch and screaming with glee.]. So Coriane… I can’t really say anything about her without spoiling. So below is my full review. So don’t click on it unless you like spoilers. What I will say is this: I relate to Coriane a lot, with what she is dealing with. We all have our own versions of Elaras. (view spoiler)[People thought that since she was a singer, someone who can control someone with an eye-lock, that Coriane forced her way to the crown. So not true. If anything Elara helped her get to the crown by scaring her away from the dinner after her uncle’s funeral and into the space-heater of a prince Tiberias. After many things are told and said, she is pregnant, and married, to the prince. She has miscarriages. She is plagued with nightmares. Someone is messing with her. Someone is putting her into a depression and making her paranoid. Someone else wants the crown. (hide spoiler)] Over all, this was a great fifty some novella. I haven’t ever read a novella, so I didn’t really know what to expect. But I love Aveyard’s stories and assumed it was something I should read before the next masterpiece comes to my front door.

Photo of maddie
1 star
Dec 23, 2022
Photo of val
4 stars
Aug 23, 2022
Photo of ju
2.5 stars
May 7, 2022
Photo of Ipshita Kanungo
Ipshita Kanungo@ipshita
3.5 stars
Dec 31, 2021
Photo of Grace
3 stars
Jul 12, 2024
Photo of Zoe R
Zoe R@zrobber
2 stars
Jul 5, 2024
Photo of Jade Dufty
Jade Dufty@jadedufty
5 stars
Feb 26, 2024
Photo of Katelyn B
Katelyn B@k8lyn_reads
4 stars
Feb 23, 2024
Photo of Megan During
Megan During@megs22
5 stars
Oct 23, 2023
Photo of g.
2 stars
Jun 27, 2023
Photo of Kristen Domonkos
Kristen Domonkos @kdomo13
3 stars
Jun 1, 2023
Photo of Safiya
Safiya @s4fiya
3 stars
Mar 1, 2023
Photo of Melissa Alice
Melissa Alice @thornstomypetals
4 stars
Jan 23, 2023