
Kerri McDonald@kerrimcbooknerd
This is definitely my favorite of the Icewind Dale books! I enjoyed moving out of the North and getting to see Calimport. Maybe because I'm yearning for warm weather, heh. You can tell the author is developing still further with this installation, as well. And the fight scenes! That man can write a fight scene extremely well. I still felt like there was room to grow and some of the characters did start to grate on my nerves, but I still enjoyed the book the most out of the three!

Ben McDonald@bendmacd

Hamed Safaeian@slothzilla

A. D. Knapp@haselrig

Oben Akin@oben

Dan H@dannagain

Jayson Rhynas@jayrhynas

Channing Williford@channing

Kyle Curry@kcurry24

Michael Cowell@chaosweeper


Katerina Matzavinou @matzkat

Tomek Skupiński@tomekskupinski



Fatih Akturk@fakturk

Kirby Drake@kirbster

Julia A.@brizna


Cathrina Martinez@itsmekittyreads