

The steel room was piercing cold. The metal chair froze me where I sat. No windows... nothing in the room, but the metal chair I sat in. His presence filled the small space with an electric charge. He didn't walk in, no, it was more of a float. He stood before me with electric indigo eyes. His skin wasn't ivory or tan, no, it wasn't human flesh. His features were sharp - very sharp. With lips so thin it was almost impossible to detect if he even had a mouth. Gray. That's the color I would use to describe his skin, but not an ugly gray. It shimmered with hints of blue. I knew I would be meeting him, but no amount of training and no amount of undercover work with the CIA could ever prepare me for our introduction. "I know you love her. That is the only reason for you being here. I am only appearing to you because it is time you learn the truth about her." He never introduced himself to me, never spoke his name. I guess he didn't need to. He was going to tell me about my girl, the only girl I've ever loved. My Annika. "She is in grave danger Van. She is special... very special, but you know that. I'm not sure where to begin. I suppose it's best if you know before I explain anything the secret behind her. She is my creation. Annika is not all human." My stomach dropped. I wasn't shocked, I always knew Annika was more than extraordinary. How uncommonly beautiful she was, how the energy which surrounded her was electric. She knew things, things only someone with psychic abilities could know. I passed it off as a gift of intuition, but the closer we became the more I fell in love with her. I knew it was something other than just intuition. His indigo eyes stared straight into my soul. I felt energy soaring through my veins I and I knew he was delivering some type of electric current through me. The air in the room changed. My blood felt as if it was racing through my body and that my heart would explode through my chest. He kept his distance and I knew it was because he was a life force of pure energy. I had felt this surge of energy before, not in this magnitude, but the same type of current with Annika. The first moment I fell in love with her. The first moment she ever touched me. "You are aware of my alien nature. The CIA has prepped you for our introduction, Agent Van, but you are not prepared for what I am about to tell you of our Annika. She is not all human he repeated. She is a hybrid made from my own DNA and grown in this very base at Pine Gap."
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