See You Yesterday

Time loops? As a 12 monkeys fan I had an amazing time

this was like fine. i was not really attached to any of the characters at all, but the premise was cute. two people repeating the same day everyday.

3.5 stars

en mi brain esto es un 3/5 but also i really enjoyed and im a easy pleaser tbh like miles es yo: mozarella lover, hates changes, stem major who loves movies. anyway miles was so patient y awkward idk very cute y barrett as well. anyway time loop plots are great i love how explain them always it’s interesting <33

This was adorable! Love seeing the characters build and grow together. Such an interesting idea of living the same day over and over again. Even made me tear up a little at the end. Much enjoyed!

I really enjoyed this book, it was an easy read but nothing out of this world. The writing was a little off but wasn't bad, overall it's a perfect in the middle, a 3 stars

I love a good time loop story! This was a lot of fun and extremely cute. At times it did get a bit too cheesy for my taste, but nothing more than expected.

It was a cute story. It felt a bit unbalanced and unfinished to me - someone who needs to understand the ‘why’s and the ‘how’s of the world. But I did enjoy the writing style and unique characters.

2.7? It was very decent. Idk.

If I could give this book 6 out of 5 stars, I would. It was such a fresh and original spin on the “time loop” trope. It had the right dash of enemies to lovers, forced proximity and so much romantic chemistry. It was fun, entertaining and the whole focus on science and the “time loop” as the characters tried to work out how to get out of it had me hooked. But watching Barrett and Miles embrace their predicament was also entertaining.

It was a cute story. It felt a bit unbalanced and unfinished to me - someone who needs to understand the ‘why’s and the ‘how’s of the world. But I did enjoy the writing style and unique characters.

estuve al borde de las lágrimas muchas veces, no me sorprende y a la vez sí
necesito con urgencia un capítulo extra desde el pov de Miles!!
🏹At that, his face relaxes into a new kind of expression, one that restores some of my hope in the universe that trapped us here together. “Because somehow, against all my better judgment… I like you.”
The words stun me, settling against my chest with an unexpected warmth, stealing any comeback I was about to make. I like you. He says it in a way that’s so straightforward. Uncomplicated. So few people say what they really mean, and even if I never doubted the way my fellow Islanders felt about me, plenty of times I’ve had to nudge my interview subjects for clear answers.
As much as I wish this weren’t true, and I’d never admit this to Miles, I can’t remember the last time someone said something that nice to me. There’s a loveliness in those three words, the simple fact of someone liking your company.
🏹I feel light, like nothing we did before tonight matters. Like if the universe really is keeping score, it starts right now.
Miles ducks when I lob a ball at him, then pops back up with his cheeks a warm pink, his hair an electric-charged chaos. Mine must look absolutely wild. He throws back his head, his face open and warm and like nothing I’ve seen before, as though he’s lit from within. Lovely—it’s the first word that comes to mind, and it’s the only one that seems to fit. He’s let go, finally allowing his body to relax and simply savor the pure joy of something.
And this—this is the real smile.
🏹“You’re not bad-looking.”
“Line up, ladies,” he says, cupping his hands around his mouth and pretending to shout toward the quad. “Completely average-looking guy here, ripe for the taking!”
“Fine, above average, if you’re fishing for a compliment.”
The deepening blush on his cheeks indicates that maybe he wasn’t, and it surprises him just as much as it surprised me.
Are you serious? That’s shitty and lazy. I love your ears. I mean—” I backtrack, regretting my choice of words. “I have a completely normal amount of affection for your ears.”
He reaches up to touch one of them, as though making sure those are the ears I’m talking about. “You don’t have to say that. But thank you.”
🏹“You put ‘property of Barrett Bloom’ on my ass?”
“If we want to get technical, it’s on your lower back,” I say. “But yes. Yes, I did. Do you love it? The font is beautiful, and the petals of the rose are just…” I kiss my fingers.
“If we wake up on Thursday,” he says, “I hope you’re ready to pay for tattoo-removal appointments, along with all the therapy I’m going to need to recover from this traumatic experience.”
🏹“I’m not judging you,” I say softly.
His hand is right there. Just right there on the console between us, and I can’t help myself. Maybe it’s all the years of wishing someone would comfort me, but whatever it is, it compels me to reach out and stroke his fingers.
There’s a slight tilt of his head as he glances down at our hands, as though confirming what’s happening is actually happening: my hand cupped around his, thumb dragging up and down his index finger.
This isn’t like when we held hands on the flight to Disneyland, or when we jumped into the ball pit. This is something different, something new and delicate and terrifying.
“You put so much pressure on yourself,” I say as I run my fingers along his, from the bumps of his knuckles to the joints and then back. My hand should know his at this point, but the touch sends a jolt down my spine nonetheless. “That doesn’t come from your parents, does it?”
Slowly, slowly, he turns his hand, fingers clumsy as they slide against mine.
🏹I… want to know about you, too.”
Those words feel like he’s wrapped a hand around my heart.
Before I register what’s happening, he’s stretching his right hand toward me, and I am honestly not certain if I can handle holding hands with him again. Not this soon. But he doesn’t linger. He just grazes his fingertips along my wrist, drawing an arc between two freckles, before dropping his hand again. A gesture of understanding, I’m sure that’s what it’s meant to be, but it sparks all my nerve endings. Makes my stomach swoop low, low.
🏹“You brought me to an exhibit of period costumes?”
“They have the original gloves Jane Bennet wore in the 2005 Pride & Prejudice,” I say, pulling into the parking structure. “I know, I know, it’s not your favorite, but they have a bunch of costumes from the original Little Women, and some dishes from Downton Abbey.…”
I trail off, partially because I can’t remember what else they have and because the expression on Miles’s face has made me forget anything I was about to say. His eyes are fixed on the museum, and when he turns them back to me, I can see his jaw working to keep his smile at bay. For what might be the first time, he seems speechless.
“Barrett,” he says after a few long moments, and then he releases that weapon of a smile. It makes the car seat go melty beneath me. Jesus, that’s powerful. No wonder he keeps it locked away—the United Nations might need to intervene. “This is incredible. Thank you. Thank you so much.”
🏹He gives me this sheepish half smile. “You were the most interesting person on campus.”
“I was the one with the raging temper, you mean.”
“No,” he says. “You seemed like someone I ought to be paying attention to.”
I can barely formulate a response to that.
So he keeps going, each word chipping away at the steel in my heart. “I’m not sure I’ve ever laughed as much as I have in the past few weeks. Even if I tried my absolute best not to humor you at first.” He taps each side of his mouth, leaving behind a constellation of glitter. “I’m going to develop early wrinkles here, and it’s all going to be your fault.”
Without thinking, I raise a hand to his face, placing my fingers next to his mouth as he drops his hands. Tracing the imaginary lines there. He’s kind of beautiful, and it’s a shame I’ve been this slow to notice how lovely he is to look at. Or, at the very least, slow to let myself acknowledge it.
“Aww, you’d look cute with some mouth wrinkles,” I say. “Distinguished.”
🏹His breath catches, and that concerning thought I had a few moments ago—it’s no longer an almost. That catch of his breath sends an electric shock to the parts of my body that aren’t already on high alert. “What about gray hair?” he says.
I move my hands up into his hair, wind my fingers through the dark strands. It’s nice, thick hair, somewhere in between soft and coarse. A few dots of glitter are spread throughout, and I imagine I’m covered in it too. His eyes close, and I wonder if it’s involuntary. “You could pull it off.”
Miles’s hand drops to my knee, and it’s then that I notice how much of the space between our bodies has disappeared. Maybe we’ve been moving closer this whole time, his heat and his scent muddling my brain.
“Barrett,” he says on an exhale, just as my thumb brushes the shell of his ear. He says my name like it’s something delicate. A slip of silk. Dandelion fluff. “I wanted to tell you—you know you don’t have to turn everything into a joke. And maybe that sounds strange, given what I just said about how funny I find you. But it doesn’t have to happen every time. It’s okay to also just… live in those bad feelings a bit more.”
Our lips are a breath apart, and I’m no longer in denial. I’m wearing a shirt that says CHERISHED FRIEND OF BIRTHDAY BOY and he’s that birthday boy, and we are stuck in time but not in our ways, and there is only one thing I want before today ends.
“I’ve done enough of that,” I say, shifting closer on the blanket, my thigh pressed right up against his. “I want to feel something good.”
A dark, determined flicker crosses his face, and I want to etch it in stone. He wants me the way I want him—I’m certain of it. This boy I thought was so rigid, who’s shown me again and again that he’s capable of change. He is sweet and unique and so fucking cute, and I’m not even sure he’s aware of it.
🏹A pause. “I never know what you’re thinking,” he says quietly as he puts the car in gear. “All these Wednesdays, and you’re still a mystery to me. And maybe this makes me an idiot, but all I want to do is keep trying to figure you out”
🏹The last thing I register as metal smashes into metal and glass rains down on us is Miles’s hand finding mine and holding on tight
🏹I know we met for the first time on two different days, technically, but that first time I met you in class, I was an absolute saint. You have to believe me. It took time to develop that dickishness you saw.”
“I don’t think you’ve ever told me what I was like that first day.”
He rakes a hand through his mess of hair before returning it to his pocket, mouth curling upward. “You stormed into class like a tornado,” he says. “Like you’d just climbed a mountain to get there.”
“That’s certainly one way of saying I was sweaty AF.”
He laughs, pushing against my shoulder, sending enough electricity down my arm to power a small village. If I wondered whether he still has feelings for me, something in that push confirms it. His arm stays connected with mine for a beat too long, and even with all these layers between us, I feel it in my toes. “I meant it metaphorically. Mostly. You surveyed the room like you didn’t want to make the wrong choice about where to sit, even though there were easily a hundred empty seats. You had these cute glasses and this wild hair that I couldn’t stop looking at. You were wearing a Britney Spears T-shirt, but in what seemed to be an unironic way, which I respected. And I thought maybe I could tell you I liked Britney Spears unironically too, and that would be the beginning of a friendship. But I was too shy.”
All of this is an even deadlier electric shock.
“Then you asked for the Wi-Fi password,” he continues. Now the look on his face is pure joy, and it might be the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. “And I swear, I really did give it to you that first time. I was glad you said something to me first, because I had no idea how to talk to you. But god, the moment you sat down, I wanted to.” A blush tinges his cheeks. “It was ridiculous, how proud I felt, telling you the password. Even though it was up on the board. You just seemed like—if I had a league, you would be so far out of it.”
“I don’t buy that.” It’s easier than believing him, even as my heart speeds up and I bite back a grin. Day 1 Barrett would absolutely perish. Day 27 Barrett might be well on her way.
“I’m serious,” he says. His words in Stanley Park come back to me with stunning clarity. You were the most interesting person on campus. More than anything, I wish I could remember those first times we met. “My whole life, I’ve never let anyone get close. And it turns out, I still don’t know how to navigate a—a relationship.” His blush deepens, and he turns his face to the water. “Not that this is a relationship, at least, in that sense. Just… a connection. Between two people. Jesus Christ, see?” He groans, dragging a hand through his hair again. “I’m a complete disaster.”
“From one disaster to another, I’d say you’re doing pretty all right.”
🏹And Miles—Miles doesn’t make me feel hopeless. In fact, he makes me feel like my whole self in a way no one ever has. Whatever this is between us, I want to leap into it, clutching the fear tightly to my chest so I don’t forget how it started while allowing something bigger to open up my heart.
With Miles, I think we can be scared together, and there’s something really lovely about that.
Whatever the reason the universe singled us out, Miles and I found each other in this strange echo of a world. And that means something.
🏹Because I’ve gone through nearly thirty first days at this point, and every time it’s felt amazing, I’ve been with you.”
It takes about a metric ton of courage to say this, so I’m shocked when Miles scoffs.
“What!” I say. The rain turns even heavier, splashing my cheeks and blurring my glasses, but neither of us moves. “I’m trying to give you a compliment over here. And maybe be a little profound. Let me have this.”
“You can’t really believe that. That I—that I’d be the reason anything is amazing.” He trips over that last word, not meeting my eyes.
“Miles, do we need to have a talk about self-esteem?” I stop walking, hoping it’ll make him turn his head. When he does, the uncertainty on his face breaks my heart. He really doesn’t believe me. It makes me want to start my own newspaper only to fill it with things I like about him, photos of him caught off guard. Especially photos that show off his ears, and his eyes, and the curve of his jaw. “You’re right that when we met, you were a bit rigid. But we all have our cushy comfort zones, and some of them are cushier than others. Harder to leave. You have your passions, and your ways of doing things, but you’re also so—so open. You want to soak up every bit of newness you can, categorize it, analyze it, make a plan to do it again. And most of all, I think you want to enjoy it. That’s why it feels amazing. Because I get to see everything through your eyes, too.”
And this. This is the reaction I was hoping for, but the reality of seeing it spread across Miles’s face is even better than I imagined. He clings to the smile at first, holding himself back, as always, but it’s too powerful even for his practiced jaw muscles. It grows and grows, his eyes glimmering, until it could light up this entire beach.
I’m no longer filling up a newspaper. I’m starting a whole media conglomerate just to declare the unabashed brilliance and quiet charm of Miles Kasher-Okamoto. We’ll interview the world’s top scientists and run ads for every upcoming period piece. We’ll have an entire website dedicated to his smile.
That’s what makes me feel lucky, like Miles said earlier: the fact that I get to learn all these hidden parts of him.
“Thank you,” he says in this earnest, perfectly Miles way. I’m not sure anyone has meant a thank-you more than he does in this moment. “For a while at the beginning, you were so intimidating. Even though I’d met you dozens of times before, I still couldn’t figure out the right things to say around you.” He inches closer. “And nothing could prepare me for actually getting to know you.”
“I can’t possibly still intimidate you.”
He shakes his head, bringing up his sleeve to swipe raindrops off my glasses. “Not in a bad way. In a thrilling way, because I never know what you’re going to do or say next. You’re challenging and frustrating and fascinating all at once, and hilarious in this unique way that always keeps me on my toes. Making you laugh feels like winning the lottery. When you laugh at something I’ve said—even if you’re laughing at me—there’s no feeling quite like it.”
Fascinating. It’s my new favorite word. For years I’ve pretended I was the farthest thing from insecure. That I wasn’t lonely.
All this time, I’ve been fascinating, too.
“You’re funny,” I insist, because somehow I get the feeling it’s not an adjective Miles has ever associated with himself.
When his arm bumps mine, it stays there. His fingers wrap around my cold ones as my heart thumps wildly inside my chest, and I want to give him another adjective: brave. He is so brave, and he makes me want to be brave, too. With my thumb, I draw circles on his knuckles, on his palm. He closes his eyes for a moment, hand trembling but never leaving mine.
🏹When you talk about what happened in high school,” he says, “I just… feel so bad for all the people who could never appreciate this side of you. It’s a fucking shame.”
“Miles, stop.” I need more than our fingers threaded together. I throw my arms around him and hold him close, inhaling his Irish Spring soap and something that’s purely him, this intrinsically Miles scent that I cannot get enough of. He’s solid heat as he hugs me back, so tightly that I think I’d float away if he let go. Now I let myself touch the hair at the base of his neck, gently slide my fingers through it. It’s probably for the best that we’re not making eye contact, because it would only stop my heart. “I’m going to cry.”
He laughs, and I feel the rumble against my throat. “I mean it. I could wake up on the same day a thousand times, and every single one would be different because of you. Every single one would be life-changing. Because of you.”
He says this with his mouth a whisper away from my skin, and when I exhale, the icy tip of his nose finds my pulse point. Pauses there. And then, ever so slowly, he traces a searing line along my neck.
Up, up, up, until I’m positive I’m seconds away from passing out. And it’s the nicest thing I’ve ever felt. I’m stuck on an inhale, worried that if I move even a fraction of a centimeter, he’ll stop.
But he doesn’t.
His mouth moves across my jaw, warm and wanting. But instead of finding my lips, he diverges, arcing toward my right ear instead
run my hands along his chest, his shoulders. As though I need to keep making sure he’s real. Against my cheek, I can feel his heart racing. “God. I like you so much,” I say. “Everything and nothing about this moment feels real.”
Even in the dark, I can see his full-wattage smile. “I hope it is. Because I’m kind of head over heels for you, if that wasn’t already clear. I’ve had the most helpless crush on you for weeks, and I’ve probably done an abysmal job showing it, and—”
I pull his mouth down to mine again.
I’m not sure how long we stay out there, bundled inside his coat, the stars and ocean making the night feel endless.
Two lonely people with the entire world at our fingertips.
🏹I don’t want to hold anything back.
“You. Everything.”
A pause. A persistent thudding of his heartbeat. Then a rush of breath as he exhales, “Me too.”
“You want to make love to me,” I say, a teasing lilt to my voice, remembering the way he said it back in our ice-cream truck. I try not to fixate on the word love, and yet it slides past my lips without stumbling.
He blushes. “Yes. I do.”
He just looks at me, eyes filling with an emotion I can’t name but that bears a shocking resemblance to whatever’s blooming in my heart. “You are perfect,” he says, running his hands up my arms, over my shoulders, cupping my jaw. “So gorgeous, Barrett—every part of you. I’ve held myself back from saying it on at least a dozen different days. You are a thousand times better than anything I expected.”
It’s criminal, the way he’s able to undo me like that. I kiss him again and again, harder and faster until I’m certain he knows how much his words mean to me.
🏹🏹 It matters, the way he kisses my neck and whispers my name and runs a reverent thumb along my cheekbone.
I don’t just feel wanted.
I feel adored.
Every outcome scares me.
His fingers play against the back of my neck, winding around a strand of hair. Unearthing a rose petal. “If we ever get out,” he says, “I want to go on a proper date with you. A non–September twenty-first date. A winter date, or a summer date.”
“What would we do?”
“Something tragically normal. Like a baseball game. Or dinner and a movie.”
It’s absurd how lovely that sounds. “Dinner and a movie,” I repeat, the image tugging at my heart. “I can’t wait.”
I love you, I almost say a half-dozen times, but every time it hovers on the tip of my tongue, I swallow it back.
“I didn’t think I could like someone this much,” I say instead. “Or maybe it’s that I didn’t know someone could like me this much. If you—you know. Like me.”
He grins my favorite full-wattage grin. “Barrett. I am a thousand kilometers past like. Worlds. Galaxies.”
“I don’t know if affection can be measured in kilometers,” I say, and he valiantly attempts to show me how.
“I changed my mind,” I say later, when the sky outside is darkest black and Miles can barely keep his eyes open. “I want to wake up next to you. That’s what I want on Thursday.”
“Then let’s just not go to sleep.”
“It won’t work.” I don’t mean it to, but my voice breaks. It’s fucking unfair, that’s what it is. Unfair that I can have the things I want only within these specific parameters.
He brushes curls away from my face, settles his head beneath my chin. “Maybe not,” he says. “But it’s nice to dream.”
🏹“Miles.” I bring my hand to his jaw, his cheek, skimming a thumb along his cheekbone. Another deep breath, and then I become brave. “I love you,” I say, and it instantly feels right. “And I promise I’m going to love you tomorrow, too.”
His face goes slack, eyes filling with a new kind of affection. “I—I love you too, Barrett.” He clutches me to his chest, and I can feel his heart pounding against mine. The night we embraced on the beach feels so very long ago. I can’t remember ever not hugging him like this. “God, I love you.”
🏹“You know, I think there are probably a few things I haven’t learned yet. So I might,” I say. “And I kind of have a crush on this guy in my class”
Suddenly, Miles stops. “What you said in the elevator. After I pulled the brake.” Now he looks nervous again, an expression I recognize all too well. “I have to know. You meant all of that?”
It comes back with the brightest clarity. I love you. And I promise I’m going to love you tomorrow, too.
I wrap my arms around him, tugging lightly on the collar of his shirt. “I love you, Miles,” I say. “But I thought it might be too much if I told you that right away.”
“I don’t know,” he says. “If I wasn’t too busy freaking out, I’d have been wondering what I did to get this strange, gorgeous girl to like me so much.”
“Forced me to read books about physics. Introduced me to Dawg House mozzarella sticks. Made me get a tattoo that looked like a penis wearing a cape.”
His hands settle around my lower back, a thumb brushing along my spine. “I really, really love you. Please never stop being weird.”
For a moment, I think that if I could stop time right here, I would.
🏹It starts in forty-five minutes,” I say. “If we want to grab dinner first, we might not make it.”
He gives me this look that’s become my very favorite thing, jaw twitching, one side of his mouth upturned as he tries to hold back how he feels. I know he’s going to give in at any moment, and because he’s a scientist, he’ll need to repeat the experiment again and again and again.
“Barrett,” he says, just as he surrenders to a brilliant smile, “we have all the time in the world.”

where is my mollie bloom spinoff? i want wedded bliss with jocelyn / 4 stars

“I never know what you’re thinking,” he says quietly as he puts the car in gear. “All these Wednesdays, and you’re still a mystery to me. And maybe this makes me an idiot, but all I want to do is keep trying to figure you out.” 4.75 stara Rachel Lynn Solomon never disappointed me (even tho this is the second book of hers I read)

the university of washington setting made this at LEAST 4 stars

oh my god its 3am and i am going insane this book was such a different and unique read and i absolutely loved it. the plot, the characters and the way it was written was all so great!!! it was a bit slow at the beginning but around 30% in i was HOOKED and could not put it down! both Miles and Barrett have my heart, theyre so precious and all i want to do is give them a big hug! i loved the way the author wrote about each characters stories, thoughts, fears and the way we see them grow/develop throughout the book. this book was not what i was expecting but in the best way possible!

Omg I love this book so much!
Barret and Miles are everything♡

I've never said this thing about a book. But for me , I wish there was a movie for the book and I am pretty sure I'll enjoy the movie over the book. The story is "movieworthy" instead of 'bookworthy" . I didn't like the repetitive presentation of incidents so i skipped so many chapters because i wanted to know how this ends.

YA RomCom with a One Last Stop vibe. No 🌶

I am exactly 55 minutes late to writing my review because I spent those minutes making tiktoks about Barrett and Miles.
I absolutely loved this book. I couldn't put it down nor could I stop giggling.
The banter!! The angst!! The reassurance!! The problems they faced!! The resolutions!!
Everything about this book was just perfect.
I loved Barrett so fucking much. I just related to her so much. I know some reviews complained about her being unlovable but I couldn't stop blushing whenever she spoke.
And then there was Miles... FUCK, Miles was so charming in such an awkward way. And I hate awkward guys because I'm awkward too and there's just too much awkwardness around. But he's just so perfect it's insane?? Like even with his insecurities I wanted to husband him up lmao.
And Miles × Barrett caused my heart to explode I swear. I couldn't put down my highlighters every time they spoke... I bloody underlined every remark, statement, confession and syllable they uttered.
Special thanks to the secondary characters, the professor, Barrett's mum and Jocelyn, Lucie (my personal favourite ngl) and the unheard of professor. Y'all made this book all the more better for me <3
The way Miles and Barrett spoke to each other had my full on screaming. That being said, do I think everyone will enjoy the book? No. I think this hits certain groups? Maybe? I don't know? But I'm so glad it hit me, really.
I folded for these characters so easily. And thank you Rachel for giving me another 5 star read to add to my shelf. This is my 4th RLS book if I'm not wrong. 5th if we're counting one of my dnf'd reads of hers. So far 4 of them were amazing!!
That's all. I'm going to head to be at 2 am crying over how I don't have either Barrett or Miles in my life.
Oh, and this was a hard 5. I knew I was going to rate this a 5 within the first 5 chapters (:

I've enjoyed all Solomon's other YA books, but this one didn't do it for me. I don't think Groundhog Day tropes are for me. I expected it to be very repetitive, seeing as how the characters are reliving the same day over and over, so that wasn't an issue. My problem with this was that it was way too long. It's over 400-pages and for what? There was no reason for it to be that long. I think if it were 50-100 pages shorter, the story would've worked better. I also didn't love Barrett. There were times I found her so obnoxious and annoying. However, I did like her relationship with Miles and thought it was cute watching them grow closer while stuck in the loop, but it wasn't enough to make up for the subpar plot. Sadly, this whole thing was a disappointment for me.

i’m not one to be stingy about 5 stars, but this book is truly, truly deserving of it. it was such a fun, cute book with low-stakes problems, which is SUCH a breath of fresh air. even though the premise sounds like it would be repetitive, i didn’t find myself bored at all. miles and barrett are my faves, of all time. will definitely be picking up more rachael lynn solomon! (such a cozy read!)


I don’t just want you in September. It’s not enough. I want you in winter, too. I want you in spring and in summer. I want you the whole fucking year, and then I want you in September all over again.

I could wake up on the same day a thousand times, and every single one would be different because of you. Every single one would be life-changing. Because of you.

It’s cruel how beautiful [he] looks pinned against the dusk, hair wild, eyes matching the sky. It’s the kind of image that makes me wish I were an artist, if only for tonight. That’s what I should have spent all these loops doing—it’s so clear now. Learning to paint, so I could capture this moment.

Time is a strange, slippery thing. Even when it’s acting normally, or whatever our concept of ‘normal’ is. How often do you do something you love and swear only a minute has passed, when it’s been several hours? Or the opposite when something is a slog?

Then we're quiet for a long, long time. A good kind of quiet. The world is so loud sometimes, and I've missed slowing down, listening to breaths and heartbeats.

"I could wake up on the same day a thousand times, and every single one would be different because of you. Every single one would be life-changing. Because of you."

And this. This is the reaction I was hoping for, but the reality of seeing it spread across Miles's face is even better than I imagined.
He clings to the smile at first, holding himself back, as always, but it's too powerful even for his practiced jaw muscles. It grows and grows, his eyes glimmering up, until it could light up this entire beach.
I'm no longer filling up a newspaper. I'm starting a whole media conglomerate just to declare the unbashed brilliance and quiet charm of Miles Kasher-Okamoto. We'll interview the world's top scientists and run ads for every upcoming period piece. We'll have an entire website dedicated to his smile.
That's what makes me feel lucky, like Miles said earlier: the fact that I get to learn all these hidden parts of him.
I'm never growing tired of her describing his smiles

Despite knowing that the rules of the universe are unlike what I've always expected them to be, all of this has made my mind spin.
All the other Barrets out there who'll never know that Miles loves period pieces. All the Mileses who never hold hands with Barret Bloom.
It's kind of heartbreaking.

"Barret," he says after a few long moments, and then he releases that weapon of a smile. It makes the car seat go melty beneath me. Jesus, that's powerful. No wonder he keeps it locked away - the United Nations might need to intervene.
They way she thinks about him🦋

And for the first time, I find myself wishing today didn't have to end.

"Buckle up, buttercup. We're about to have the time of our fucking lives."

I drop the cardigan and spring away from him, smacking my elbow against my bed frame. Lock me up. Please. I am a menace to society.
I really lover her

He drags his gaze to the floor, fighting a smile.
The devil works hard, but Miles's jaw muscles work harder.

"I don't really need one," I say when my delightful neighbour hands one to me, though I take it anyway. "I'm switching out."
Alas, he must know that despite the undeniable spark between us, our love may not be able to withstand the separation.
I love her

"There was poetry to physics, a beauty in learning to understand the world around me."
There's a clear sincerity in the way she speaks. The class is rapt, and I'm half compelled to stick it out.
"This course is going to be hard-"
Welp, never mind.