Radio Silence

o boze o boze o boze

I cannot really put into words how much I love radio silence. it's mainly about friendship and your friends' the dark past that you sometimes simply overlook. I adore aled and his podcast and I feel like frances is an alternative version of me. the main topics in this are the ups and downs of friendship, deciding what colleges you want to apply to, worrying whether you'll be accepted or not and realising that sometimes being smart is just not enough. I myself am dealing with these things right now so it kinda feels like the book has been sent to me from above. I've learnt new things about myself through frances and the book gave me a lot of stuff to think about. the portrayal of teens is just so good, Alice did a great job once again. I'm pretty sure radio silence became one of my favourite contemporary books of all time and I can't wait to read it again later in life.

i could relate so much with the mc!!! it really made me feel so good to read this book

this book made me feel just a little bit better about being alive

It's quick, easy, and I enjoyed reading it. The friendship between Aled and Frances was so beautiful to read; you could tell that they genuinely care about each other. Their relationship with other characters was also something I enjoyed reading. Finding out about Aled and Cary's story was so heartbreaking. The main character's struggles with academic pressure really hit home. However, it was kind of difficult to stay connected with the characters because I wasn't fond of the author's writing style. It was also completely different from what I expected it to be. Overall, it was a nice book that talks about important topics, and I think a lot of people would find this relatable.

Looking for the Aled to my Frances 😪 This book hit too close to home.

i hate carol last with a passion.

Well… this is not the first time I am moved by this author’s simple magic. I left school long time ago, I have other preoccupations than going to uni or not. Not on my plate anymore. Doesn’t matter. This story talked to me anyway in many ways because whatever you are 17-18 years old or not (I am not), what we are talked about here is for everyone, I believe.
Alice Oseman is, in my opinion so good as making me feel Friendship, love without giving a definition that would set limits to it. And with so much tenderness…I was happy to find here again the « little music » I enjoyed while reading « Loveless » and « Heartstopper ». Like a medecine indeed.
I am not a mum and never will be, funny enough Frances’s mum is not over developed here but I felt some connection with her, as the mum watching GBBO in unicorn onesee. Maybe I could have been this kind of Mum.

this is a late review but i want to finish this draft i actually wrote in January, lol. hands down one of the best YA i've ever read! not much to say, it's just really good. the academic pressure.. the thing about fandoms and tumblr, and one of my favorite thing in this book is the completely platonic friendship between Aled and Frances. in most stories.. sometimes the sole power of friendship is often overlooked.. like it may be a romance book but sometimes i just think that friendships are really important and it could affect things by a lot. and this book showcases that concept so much. its just coming-of-age perfection. i love it so much!! vvv recommended especially for people who experienced being smart and then eventually got burnt out *oops*

wdym you’re wearing your teenage mutant ninja turtles legging and an oversized band sweatshirt?

★★ // interesting when it deals with the relationship between the characters, but not so much as individuals. often felt preachy and a 101 on the current social media climate of this generation and sexuality. any trace of history (e.g. experience of abuse) of each character felt like a plot device more than a part of their personhood. maybe it’s just not my cup of tea or i’m simply not its target audience.

GODDAMNIT THIS BOOK I can't believe how much I fell in love with this book. When I picked this out, I wasn't really expecting any mindblowing stuffs about this. I know it got great reviews but I wasn't expecting that I WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH IT'S STORY, CHARACTERS AND THE WHOLE PACKAGE OF IT OH MY GODDDDD HERE COMES MY FEELSSSS I love the story, characters and dialogues so much. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT WAS SO RELATABLE. So relatable i teared up on some parts. Each characters has their own personality and it was so perfect. The friendships made me ache and made me feel I want those kind of people in my life too. The story oh my, i am so living for it! The internet life was so strong in here. I can feel how I am gonna be obsessed with this book. So funny, heartbreaking, fast paced, #relatable and honestly you all should read this book! I hope they make this a tv show or a movie or something. Please. Also the night I finished this I tweeted the author and she replied and that made my night.


First thing first, I would like to thank my dearest friend, Alice or Ari, for recommended me this book whilst I'm confused about my sexuality. And God, this book is really something else and it only took me for a day to finish it. Radio Silence is such a turning page book; it is beautiful in its own way, fun, and also devastating in someway. Would love to recommend this book to my IRL friend who'd gladly listening to me rambling about books even though I know she wouldn't read it because she is busy. But still, I like this book, a lot than I expect.

I’ve been reading for what, 15 years now or maybe more but I’ve never felt that I have read my favourite book. You know that one book that’s your comfort and you just love. I’d never felt that though I’ve read my fair share of some incredible books. But while they were incredible and beautifully written, and I love them i just never felt the, you know “aha” moment that this is my favourite book. But now whenever someone asks me what’s my favourite book I’m no longer going to answer I’ve not read it yet I’ll instead scream at the top of my lungs, RADIO SILENCE!!!

Alice Oseman has my heart <3

Wyjebalo ponad skale dałabym więcej gwiazdek jakby sie dało

Ich fande die Story schön, aber langweilig dargestellt. Ich finde man hätte das irgendwie an sich viel besser verpacken können und mehr up and downs einbringen können

Frances is a study machine with one goal. Nothing will stand in her way; not friends, not a guilty secret – not even the person she is on the inside. Then Frances meets Aled, and for the first time she's unafraid to be herself. So when the fragile trust between them is broken, Frances is caught between who she was and who she longs to be. Now Frances knows that she has to confront her past. To confess why Carys disappeared… Frances is going to need every bit of courage she has. I loved the platonic friendship between Frances and Aled, and I loved the online content creator aspect to this book. I do feel like this book didn’t resonate with me the way that it has for many other readers and reviewers. I think this book is best read when you’re between adolescence and adulthood. I think this would make a cute coming-of-age movie for teenagers.

Expectation was high on the first page. on the last page all I read was Disappointment.

4.5 stars. This book was sweet, the characters were amazing, The only thing that bothered me a little was how the author insisted all the time on the fact that university was not the only option. Yes, it is not, but it's also a good choice for some people. I think the message was a bit too hard-wired into the reader's brain, I would have liked to see both options treated equally (basically Daniel's option being put a little more into the light). Who am I kidding, I would have liked to see more of Daniel, point :) And more of Raine, I loved her so much!! The podcast parts were so good, I loved this side of the story (and I just can't understand angry internet people). (view spoiler)[ Why would you send death threats to someone because they stop making content that you like?? Don't you think it's their choice? Or that maybe something in their life is not going right at the moment? I just don't get it. (hide spoiler)] The abuse included in the story was chilling, and that part was again done masterfully. I wanted to help the characters, to take them away and tell them everything was going to be alright. I also liked that I got to learn about diverse sexual orientations (I had never heard of demisexuals before) and I think it's something that is really important to young audiences now and that was done very well. But I also think it's great that the diversity (both racial and sexual) was not the center of the sotry (such as a coming-out sotry) but more on the sidelines, it made it feel like this diversity was just normal, like of course you have a gay friend and a biracial friend, and it's no big deal, as it should be! The fact that there is no romance in this book is what made me pick it up in the first place, and it was so refreshing! Thank you thank you thank you! I like YA but the romance gets on my nerves sometimes. Overall the book had a great atmosphere, was very relevant, the pacing and writing were good, the characters were amazing (btw, loved the mom characters too) and I enjoyed it a lot.

a little intense at times but i devoured this. alice oseman, i give my life to u

this HURT but it was so good oh my god

“Hello I hope somebody is listening…” Honestly words cannot explain what this book means to me. I think i read it at the perfect time in my life and really connected to the characters. Alice Oseman literally writes books that can tear your heart out and put it back together. One of my top 5 books ever (maybe even #1)

"I wish I could be as subtle and beautiful. All I know how to do is scream.”

and then he laughed, and it reminded me of a child's laugh, and I wished people could always laugh and run like that.

"It'd take hours to explain," I said. "I’d listen to you for hours," he said.

It felt so real. It didn’t feel like I was trying to be someone I’m not, like I was putting on an act.
I cared about him. And he cared about me.
That was all it was.

“I wish I could be as subtle and beautiful. All I know how to do is scream.”

We started to realise that it didn’t even matter what we did together, because we knew that if we were both there, we would have a good time.

“Sometimes I think if nobody spoke to me, I’d never speak again.”

i’m just someone he kisses sometimes

“I wonder sometimes whether you've exploded already, like a star, and what I'm seeing you is three million years into the past, and you're not here anyore. How can we be together here, now, when you are so far away. When you are so far ago? I'm shouting so loudly, but you never turn around to see me. Perhaps it is I who have already exploded. Either way, we are going to bring beautiful things into the universe.”

I hope somebody is listening.”

“Everyone's different inside their head.”

“And I’m platonically in love with you.”
“That was literally the boy-girl version of ‘no homo’, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

“I wonder- if nobody is listening to my voice, am I making any sound at all?”

no fair i want someone to be platonically in love with me too😤

"Sometimes I think if nobody spoke to me, I'd never speak again."

"I'd listen to you for hours."

I grinned. “You can choose the movie on Saturday. As long as it’s not Shrek.”
“What about Shrek 2?”
“Shrek 2 is allowed.”

I don’t know why I was surprised. People move on quicker than I can comprehend. People forget you within days, they take new pictures to put on Facebook and they don’t read your messages. They keep on moving forward and shove you to the side because you make more mistakes than you should. Maybe that was fair. Who was I to judge, really?

I’m a tough one. I’m a star. I’m steel-chested and diamond-eyed. Cyborgs live and then they break, but I’ll never break. Even when my bone dust drifts over the City walls, I’ll be living and I’ll be flying, and I will wave and laugh.

I’m a very sad person, in all senses of the word,

“Who am I to judge anyone’s sexuality? I’m massively gay.”

I mumbled, “Thank God,” and saw he was wearing his lime green plimsolls with purple laces.

He smiled again. “You couldn’t beat a *fly* up.”