Scattered Showers Stories

Midnights – .45 Stars I've read this story several times and loved it, I didn't care for the narration (it wasn't bad at all but very neutral). I liked the story a bit less this time around Kindred Spirts – 4 Stars Read this one before as well, it's very cute Winter Songs for Summer – 4 Stars I really liked it, it made me think of Fangirl and I loved Benji's character. Summer was a tad annoying, but RR's female characters are always a bit grumpy and unlikeable The Snow Ball – 2 stars This one didn't do anything for me and the femal characters was just annoying, nothing to redeem her in a few pages. If the Fates Allow – 4 stars I didn't really want to know what happened to the characters after Fangirl, it made me a bit sad, but other than that the story itself was nice. The Princess and the Troll – 2 Star £I didn't get it, I don't know what it's supposed to represent Mixed Messages – N/A potential pregnancy story = zero interest, and I haven't read Attachments so I skipped half of this. Snow for Christmas – 4.5 stars Loved that little Snow/Baz Christmas story In Waiting – 4 Stars The concept was so original, I loved it, but it was a bit long

cute!! very quick read, enjoyed the dynamics a lot

there is something about the way rainbow writes her male characters, even this day and age, i will put the book down to scream and continue reading, she has zero Ls, only Ws, waiting for Eleanor and Park sequel!!

just really love rainbow rowell


Most of the short stories in here were wonderful and heart warming and well written. There were a couple stories that fell flat for me compared to the others in the book. Simon and Baz’s story was the reason I bought this, and it was incredibly sweet. I loved getting a glimpse back into Beth and Lincoln’s life together. And of course getting to know Reagan on a deeper level was amazing. The last story in the book was one of the best short stories I have ever read, and it has me wondering if Rainbow has given us a sneak peak into her next novel.