Rainbow's Expressions and Observations Or Only Visiting This Planet in Search of a Brain Or I Know the Answer's 42, But What's the Piggin' Question?

Rainbow's Expressions and Observations Or Only Visiting This Planet in Search of a Brain Or I Know the Answer's 42, But What's the Piggin' Question?

Born the youngest of three, in London, England, Rainbow has always been an Americaphile, loving all things American, especially chrome and fins on cars! At 15, he left academia and enrolled in the University of Life. He traveled to America in the 70s and again in the 80s, although that rock-and-roll dream ended in him returning to England, totally broke and alone. He turned for comfort and companionship to his scratching pad and wrote, always coming out in verse, when the muse struck, his expressions and observations on what he fondly calls the upright biped species that infect this planet, as well as his own thoughts and experiences. He slowly became convinced that he was not from this planet, even if that only meant he seemed alien to most people! However, U.S. Immigration finally confirmed it when they stamped his passport as a legal permanent resident and issued him with his official alien number! Thank you, U.S.A. Now its official! I come in peace, but please, dont take the peace!
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