The Web Empowerment Book

The Web Empowerment Book An Introduction and Connection Guide to the Internet and the World-Wide Web

The Web Empowerment Book is devoted entirely to prospective home users of the Internet. The authors' primary emphasis is on accessing the World Wide Web: a smooth, graphically-oriented system for viewing information from universities, businesses, government, and individuals anywhere in the world. This book gives you both an armchair tour of Internet resources in color, as well as presenting all the concepts you need to get connected. In three well-explained steps it describes how to get wired to the Internet and the World Wide Web inexpensively and easily using conventional phone technology. This handy guide also provides a concise introduction to the UNIX commands typically available from an Internet Access Provider's machine. The Internet and UNIX grew up together, so some literacy in UNIX, while not required, is desirable, since you may need UNIX to obtain software over the Internet. As a special feature, packages of free software for connecting Windows and the Macintosh are provided at the authors' own Internet sites, and at other sites listed in the book.
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