
While naturally flowery in language, given the time it was written, there are some beautiful and poignant thoughts expressed within. Thoughts that apply heavily to the state of the world today and speak to the need of man to turn to the wisdom and beauty of nature to remember our roots and values.

I didn't really get into this one. Was just a little dull

Reading this felt like I was thrown back to Philosophy class. It's not the kind of book that you would pick up for light reading and just get lost in the words. I had to reread paragraphs to be able to appreciate what Emerson wrote. Nature is indeed fascinating and beautiful. Humans don't deserve the gift that Nature brings.

For some reason I found this one super tough to read. The writing style didn’t grab (nor hold) my attention at all and there were many sentences written in such a way I had to read them multiple times to grasp what they were trying to say. Moreover, while I don’t mind non-fiction at all, I just found this one painfully boring. So, while I do respect the general message this is trying to spread, the writing didn’t convey it to me in the slightest (I’ve more so taken it from the other reviews on this site tbh)