Rapture In Death

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance Rapture In Death is the fourth installment in the In Death Series and thus we continue the journey of Roarke and Eve. I am slowly working my way through these books here, And even though it can be overwhelming when I look at the series order here, I am also excited to delve into a series like this, I just love seeing it feature one primary couple here and its always such fun to get some more delights from Eve and Roarke. And I will say this, this is probably my favorite book so far in the series, these two just cracked me up so much. I loved seeing them experience newly married bliss and seeing how tight their relationship is. I'm still picking pockets--I just do it as legally as I can. Being married to a cop limits certain activities Rapture In Death starts off with a honeymoon, a time away from her job that Eve desperately needs and one that Roarke is determined to make her experience. But while on their vacation, a mysterious death occurs and thus Eve will have to return back to her job earlier than she planned on. But when there are more mysterious deaths that come into play it just shows evidence that there is more going on than what Eve can currently figure out. But while she is trying to solve the questions that are arriving surrounding these deaths, she is also trying to learn to adapt as Roarke's wife. It is not the easiest adaptation, she is not used to the world that Roarke lives in and is trying to blend two of their worlds together while also taking her usual risks to track down the serial killer. But there are questions surrounding these deaths and so many questions with not enough answers for Eve. But is the culprit someone or more than one that are closer to home? those which neither Roarke or Eve will suspect? “I'm sorry. It's Hard for me. I do love you," she said quietly. "Sometimes it scares me because you're the first. And the only"He held her there until he was sure he could speak, then eased her back, looked into her eyes "You've chaged my life. Become my life." He touched his lips to hers, let the kiss deepen slowly, silkily. "I need you” Rapture in Death is quite a fun installment that we have here. I had so many fun times with these two here. Their bantering was so much fun and I love how Roarke is so mindful of Eve and boy she is so STUBBORN especially about her health. Its a good thing she has such a strong man to take charge when it's needed and guide her to maintaining her health. I was highly entertained in seeing how this book evolved. It was interesting to see the growth of the plot and how this mystery unfolded. I was actually delightfully surprised at how I didn't see the villains and how their connection to Roarke and Eve. I really found the idea of VR system being part of the plot. "She had big plans for me. Kind of a pet, I imagine. Like William. Her little trained dog. And with you dead, she figured I'd inherit all your goodies. You're not going to do that to me are you?"Roarke: "What, die?"Eve: "Leave me all this stuff."Roarke: "Only you would be annoyed by that.” Overall I found Rapture In Death to be an entertaining, thrilling ride of mystery, twists, and turns that go some unsuspecting ways and more laughs in the growth of the romance to curl the toes.

This one ended a bit abruptly but I still loved it!

As always, I have enjoyed this book despite the problems with police procedure and how the world revolves around Eve. My main problem would have been how Roarke and Eve's relationship was rather odd compared to how they acted typically, especially in the last few books, but the twist made it better and actually a nice break from typical form. I was led astray as to who the killer was, from the very beginning I thought I was clever to have it and discovered I was following the red herring the entire time. It was a nice ending that had me wondering what was going to happen with every turn of the page.

I love Eve and Roarke so much,

Rourke convinces work-a-holic Eve to take an extended honeymoon and finally gets her off-planet. Alas, as the honeymoon draws closed, a suicide brings Eve right back into the office. When other well-connected people begin suspiciously dying by suicide but with a smile on their face, Eve and Rourke find out there may actually be a murderer on the loose, a murdered that can tap into your fantasies, fantasies that lead to death. I think I enjoyed the mystery of this book the best so far in the series, and Rourke and Eve are so stupid hot together. Trigger Warning Spoiler - (view spoiler)[There is mind control in this book and there is a scene where Rourke is under control of the murder and rapes Eve. It is brushed off quickly and Eve assures Rourke it wasn't rape, which I find suspect. I don't think a survivor of sexual assault would have gotten over that so quickly. I wish that would have been handled differently because it tainted in otherwise fun book. (hide spoiler)]