Constantine Vol. 2: Blight (the New 52)

** spoiler alert ** Issue 7 “Game Over” Issue 8 “Spot the Hustle” Little better Issue 9 “Forever Evil: Blight” Issue 10 “Two Fingers to Heaven” Rough start, and not a huge fan of the art, better end, neat part where they each saw something different Issue 11 “Forever Evil: Blight - Like a Bullet” This whole thing is a time skip and jump into idiocracy. They cut the Cold Flame thing short before, they cut his death kind of short before, then they jumped the fight with Blight, which should’ve at least been cool because they were working up to it, now they’re just in a universe of its own, and not in a good way. Melodramatic and nonsensical. Scripted. “The Crime Syndicate”, really? That’s so on the nose, I can’t believe they’d call itself that. This whole thing is just Lame. Feels like there’s a lot missing and there probably is, but that’s messed up, this is already a new series, and it’s so disjointed and all over the place that you can’t even get into it. I don’t care. Issue 12 “Forever Evil: Blight - Dreaming of Blood” The wood walk thing was kinda cool, with that spread. Want more Swamp Thing. Ends on an okay note You can tell it’s starting to find its footing and it’s own feeling for this series, which is okay, but I’d prefer that this whole thing was just a Justice League Dark series I think, where Constantine is one of the characters and focuses, and then for this arc, or even just this issue, the focus would have been John.