Reasonable Doubt

wtf? just, no

** spoiler alert ** First of all, I want to preface this by saying it feels so weird to read your boss’ name (Andrew) on a story you’re reading especially when he’s nothing like the character. "What do you look like?" "I look like a man who wants to fuck you." The dirty emails? Thank you! The dirty talk? Thank you! The dirty sex? Thank you! Andrew is such an asshole but I love it and I live for it. His mouth is so dirty. That being said, Aubrey is the purest girl EVER. She just wants to dance ballet, okay! "I want you to leave." "I want to believe that, but you say things you don't mean all the time." I’m going to be honest and say I didn’t actually expect much on this story but it proved me wrong! I loved this and can’t wait to start the next installment.

Ah yes. Yet another contemporary romance novel with a single-minded male protagonist that's a grade-a asshole; a painfully obtuse female protagonist; and a drawn-out, directionless plot that leans hard into every tired trope in existence.
It's hard to understand Andrew because he is unnecessarily mean, and I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an admirable trait—but it's plain annoying. And as for Aubrey, she is spineless and it was almost painful to watch her hopelessly pant after a guy that made it very obvious he didn't care about her.
If you're looking for deep erotica, you'll get it with this one—the sex scenes were over the top; just don't expect an expansive plot. It's as shallow as they get. I'm listening to the audiobook and if Sebastian York doesn't put me in a good mood, then you know for sure that something's wrong.
The book ends on a cliffhanger and a big reveal that tripled my dislike of the male protagonist—hello, double standards! But I'm rightly engaged, because while Andrew is nasty piece of work, I still want to see how the author will mangle and finesse him to his ultimate redemption.

It did not just end like that. Wtf.


Holy $#!* balls..This book was recommended for me to read and WOW. Its a short read but man does it leave you with your mouth open and shocked at the end..I cannot wait to get part two on my kindle..Literally I have no words for this book.

Holy $#!* balls..This book was recommended for me to read and WOW. Its a short read but man does it leave you with your mouth open and shocked at the end..I cannot wait to get part two on my kindle..Literally I have no words for this book.

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . I'd seen the Reasonable Doubt serial around for quite awhile before I decided it looked like something I was really interested in reading. Since I have a love/hate relationship with serials, I decided to hold off until the entire thing was available – and then I forgot about it until someone gifted me a copy of the box set a couple months ago. I don't read a lot of office romances, but I was in the mood for just that the other day. This book definitely scratched my itch. I'm reviewing this one as a whole, instead of in three parts, because that's how I read it. Let me tell you, I'm glad I did, too. The cliffhangers at the end of the first and second parts of this series were BRUTAL and I think I would've set my iPad on fire (or at the very least tossed it down in exasperation) if I'd been reading this as it was published. That is the beauty of a serial though, I suppose. It sucks you in, gets you addicted and then leaves you gasping for more at the end of the individual parts. And boy, did this one suck me in. Reasonable Doubt was just a damn good story. I enjoyed the characters. I wanted to smack them. I wanted to hug them. I bounced around all over the place while reading this story. Even when I wanted to smack them, it was only because they weren't making the decisions I wanted them to. It was impossible not to be invested in their story. Their relationship was antagonistic as hell, forbidden and freaking addictive. The sex was so hot I swear flames were shooting out of my iPad. I also enjoyed how both Andrew and Aubrey grew over the course of this book. They were both keeping secrets and that made for some twists I never saw coming. It's strange to say I enjoyed the duplicity in this book, but damned if that's not the truth. Their whole friendship – and everything that developed from it – started on a lie, but that didn't make it any less real when it was all said and done. I really enjoyed pretty much everything about this book. I set out planning to read a few chapters and then go to bed, but ended up devouring the entire book, er series, in one evening's time. It was hot as hell, twisty and turny, a little angsty and a bit sweet. I hung on every word.