Dismal Dreams

Red Lagoe has accomplished a rare feat with Dismal Dreams. We get a book full of thirteen wonderfully nightmarish stories that span a terrific variety of horror styles. We’re left feeling at once battered and bruised from the power of the horror within these stories, while also springing to our feet eager for more. And, at least for me, it left me not only super satisfied as a reader, but super inspired to write, create, and explore more of the dark corners of stories that reside in my own head as well. If you enjoy horror and enjoy the short story collection format, I highly recommend you check this one out. While there were a few stories I didn’t love AS much because that type of horror just isn’t my favorite thing, it’s a super solid collection of powerful and visceral horror stories. Full Review at: https://aicpod.com/2022/04/29/red-lag...