Red Queen

This is literally my favorite book series to ever exist. I read it for the first time in middle school and this is currently my second reread of the series. I decided to listen to it as an audiobook this time around. I think reading it is better, but I like the narrator of the audiobook as well. This will never not be my favorite series and I honestly wish everyone would read it.

One of my favorite books as a teenager, I haven't finished the series yet, but I always enjoy re-reading this one.

incredible literally exactly my brand of ya fantasy that i love

Omg!!!!! This is amazing! I got this book for free at my local library and adored it from the first sentence! First of all, the cover makes this book murderous but it isn't (if you don't include a violent dance and bombings). The whole book is based on these things: Mare, Maven, Cal, The Scarlet Guard, Red blood, and Silver blood. The silver's have abilities like controlling things and tearing apart things and playing with fire. This book is super descriptive and if it hadn't been, then it wouldn't be half as long. (Not over the top descriptive, though.) The only thing I didn't enjoy was that IT'S AN ERA WITH KINGS, SO IT SHOULD BE OLD-FASHIONED!! But it isn't. There are showers and jets. And not to mention security cameras. (Correct if I'm wrong on this. Anyways the book is nice. I recommend it!

i almost DNF so many times but stuck it out and the ending was actual lying really good. definitely picking up the next book

When I bought this book, at first I wasn't quite sure about it, but it pretty much got a hold of me from the beginning. I absolutely love love loved Red Queen and can't wait to get started on Glass Sword.

i originally read this book in 2018, but it has remained one of my favorite YA novels ever since. the storytelling, romance, and betrayals - i love it all!

I really liked this book! Despite all the hype, and favorable reviews, I went into this book not really expecting to like it. But I fell in love with Mare's sass, I fell in LOVE with Maven, and I fell in love with Victoria Aveyard's writing. I WANT whatever comes next.

betrayal trope never misses

Absolutely loved this book, I started reading it only because I had bought it a long time a go but never got around to it. I don't know why I didn't read it earlier. As soon as I was getting to the end of the book I had to go on Amazon to buy the next three book because there was no way I could wait once I finished it. 10/10 would recommend, it keeps you wanting to read the next chapter.

I really enjoyed it and this helped getting me back into reading. I stayed up till 2am just finish it. It is a great page turner. I only gave it 4 stars because of the writing, there were a couple spots that were a little weak. But overall i LOVE the story, would 10000% recommend it and cant wait to read the next book.

Broke my 12 year old heart

I think if it wasn’t for the major book slump i have been in for the past month, I would have enjoyed this book. But I couldn’t tell if I was getting bored by the book or just reading in general (maybe don’t count this as a real review lol)

This was so good 😭😭 I will forever wonder why I waited so dang long to read it!!!

Such a good book! For some reason it took me really long to finish but I loved it anyways! The characters, the plot, the plot twists, AMAZING!

Girl i’m going to kill myself after this

** spoiler alert ** okay i really enjoyed this book so i’m gonna try avoid reading the reviews cause they’re just going to ruin it for me. yes there’s a lot of plot holes but you can’t sit and tell me that mavens plot twist using his mum to find out how to get mate wasn’t just brilliant?!!

Fun, fast paced read but I predicted a lot of the major plot twists

"Silver and Red, but stronger than both" 3.5 stars “Anyone can betray anyone” THIS BOOK IS THE REASON WHY I HAVE TRUST ISSUES Since Red Queen came out and I head the premise for this book, I have been greatly anticipating getting my hands on it, and now that I have I was pleasantly enjoyed. For me it wasn't the plot that really interested me, but the characters that saved this book. The first portion of the book was a little slow and my interest waned, however as we got into the story and the Mare began her training, the story picked up. I wish the direction of the novel went a different way at the end, but I am still eager to read the next book. “The truth is what I make it. I could set this world on fire and call it rain.” Mare: Mare is our protagonist, the girl from the oppressed society of Reds with the power of a Silver (the elite of this society). At the beginning, her abrasiveness was annoying and I didn't like her at first, but she grew on me. She is immensely loyal to her family, and I absolutely adored her dynamic with her brothers and sister. (view spoiler)[ I knew her brother Shade wasn't dead, it was just a feeling, especially when we find out she was just like Mare. I love how Gisa and Mare's relationship and circumstance (the situation being, Mare living in the shadow and being constantly compared to her talented younger sister) paralleled what transpired between Cal and Maven. I thought it was so sweet how when each of her brothers left for the war, they each gave their sisters a earring to remember them, and at the end Kilorn, who is like Mare's 4th brother, gave her a green earring to Mare, in the way her brothers do. I loved the friendship between Kilorn and Mare, and hope to see more of it. (hide spoiler)] Cal and Maven: These two brothers are princes and burners, meaning they have control over fire. Cal, the eldest, was raised as the crown prince and primed to rule; he's a soldier, a warrior and loyal to his country and to his crown. Maven, as second born, always lived in the shadow of his older brother, but was made to be a prince, as the people's prince, better skilled with talking his way to his advantage, and to make alliances with the politically powerful. I loved their unique friendships with Mare. (view spoiler)[ Now to my rant: I shipped Mare and Maven so much! I was so heartbroken by Maven's betrayal. I WAS SO MAD HOW HE THREW MARE INTO THE DIRT! HE WENT ON SO MUCH ABOUT EQUALITY BUT EVERYTHING HE SAID WAS A LIE! The thing that made this plot twist so unbelievable and aggravating was that it was if Maven was acting throughout the whole book, and that he had become a totally different character. Maven was my favourite character, he is very intelligent, and what he says is very easy to accept. I will not forgive the author for absolutely destroying his character. I can't believe this kind, thoughtful, open-minded kid, was really a jealous, merciless killer. He killed Lucas without a second thought, and Lucas and Mare were never able to reconcile. I'm not sure I will enjoy the next books because I don't have Maven to attach to. I can't believe he would help with the murder of his father and downfall of his brother, what sort of person does that. Betraying someone you recently met is one thing, but to betray his blood is tenfold worse. As for Cal, he has been brainwashed into his way of thinking all his life, and is so passionate about justice, so if he would have given everything up for Mare, who he has known for a month, I WOULD HAVE BEEN LIVID, I WOULD HAVE RIOTED. But, luckily he didn't. (hide spoiler)] Evangeline: She was the typical mean girl and I found her character pretty 2-dimensional. I was hoping towards the end that we would see some more development or that she might be on out side, but that didn't happen. I will be very disappointed if we don't get more to her character in the subsequent books. To finish this review and quote the Scarlet Guard: “Rise, red as the dawn.”

I really enjoyed this book. There has been a lot of hate around it about it not having a very original plot and while i agree that I've read things like it before, i still enjoyed it. My main issue was that I didn't particularly like Mare. Hopefully she will under go some character development so I might like her more in the 3rd book.

The beginning is a really good one, it instantly catches you and introduces you into this world of intriguing and power games. But at the end of the second book it loses completely it’s plot end the end was a complete disappointment for me.

I started reading this on a delayed eight hour train journey because nothing else had been downloaded on my Kindle and I knew I had read the first 100 pages or so when I was 13 and deep in my female main character dystopian / fantasy reading phase. A very random decision to start a seemingly random book for me resulted in me becoming fully immersed into a series that I haven't thought about in years.
I really really enjoyed this. I thought the story was so well constructed - it was complex, layered and completely unpredictable. At no point did I really feel like I could predict what was going to happen which made me so stressed at times lol. The little details in the storyline were so cool and unique and really made the experience of reading this so immersive. There were also so many good plot twists so perfectly timed that they helped the story flow even better.
The characters were also really well written. I loved some and then ended up hating them in totally unexpected ways. Others I hated throughout the entire book. I loved Mare's character - it was so interesting to see her develop and grow in so many different ways.
I will say that the romance(ish) between Mare and Cal did feel a little disconnected(?) at times. It almost felt like there wasn't much to work with, then a lot at once, and sometimes I wasn't really too sure where it had come from. I don't think they interacted enough to experience the connection that was spoken about. I know this is technically a Y/A book so that does explain that but I suppose I'm too used to very intricately developed romantic arcs.
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this and cannot wait to read the next book in the series, especially after the ending of this one!

** spoiler alert ** okay i really enjoyed this book so i’m gonna try avoid reading the reviews cause they’re just going to ruin it for me. yes there’s a lot of plot holes but you can’t sit and tell me that mavens plot twist using his mum to find out how to get mate wasn’t just brilliant?!!

The truth is what I make it. I could set this world on fire and call it rain.

Walsh hugs me, taking me by surprise. "I don't know how," she mutters, "but I hope you become queen one day.
Imagine what you could do then? The Red queen."

In my perfect world, Maven won't have to hide his heart and I won't have to hide who I truly am. Cal will have no crown to wear, no throne to protect. These people will have no more walls to hide behind.

…Anyone can betray anyone."

"You better hide that heart of yours, Lady Titanos. It won't lead you anywhere you want to go."

As nice as he is, my instincts tell me not to turn my back on Elara's son, that he's hiding something. What that might be, I don't know.

Our hatred for Maven. I don't need to be a whisper to know we share a thought. I will kill him.
And I will gladly watch

The face is famniliar, a tace I know so well. If I were not already lying down, I would certainly fall. The shock is too much for me to bear.
Guess who just came back from the dead if this is not her brother I don’t know who

Behind me, Arven collapses, a pipe speared through his middle. "I have the advantage," I tell his corpse.
Ahahjahaoehdnej omg you freaking go girl

Above us, Maven's voice croaks out. "Let them die."

Tears course down his face, steaming against burning-hot skin. "It's not you," Tiberias says, his eyes on Cal's wretched face. He doesn't bother pleading for his life. "I know it's not you, son. This is not your fault."

Because she already knew. Because he is her son. Because this was her plan all along.

“Maven, help me up.” “No, I don’t think so”
I saw that coming never really trusted him

"The drains!" he roars, still staring at me. "They're in the drains."
Oh fuck you cal

I've been too busy trying to save others to notice how much Cal saves me. How much he loves mne. Suddenly it's very hard to breathe. Maven shakes his head. “He will always choose you."
I don’t know what to think about this

Walsh hugs me, taking me by surprise. "I don't know how," she mutters, "but I hope you become queen one day. Imagine what you could do then? The Red queen."
So that why the name

Maven is his mother's son, Julian said once. He couldn't be more wrong.
I don’t fully trust him yet

Gold flame flickers in his eyes, reflecting the heat beneath. "Ill miss you, Mare."
He says after he just stated he won’t miss his bride-to-be

But the person who joins us is no servant. He's not even Red. "Maven."
Watch them become a power couple taking over the throne

"You will marry my son Maven, and you'll do it without putting a toe out of line."
Okay yes