Red, White & Royal Blue A Novel

History, huh? 🇺🇸
This book means so much to me.
I don’t even know where to begin. There’s so much in this book that the world needs to hear.
I have been wanting to read this book for such a long time, and I’m so glad that I finally did! I can’t wait to watch the movie, and I’m excited for the second one!
Alex and Henry are literally made for each other, and seeing their story progress was so beautiful and inspiring.
America needs this book.
This story needed to be written.

Uma leitura TÃO gostosa, tão divertida e tão intensa ao mesmo tempo... Esse livro é maravilhoso e leria mais algumas vezes, demorei um pouco para terminar porque comecei anos atrás e nunca mais tentei mas dessa segunda vez fluiu perfeitamente. Tudo no momento certo, foi perfeito.

3rd perspective will be the end of me

I like it but it’s not my favorite of hers my favorite is I kissed Shara wheeler

Sinceramente fue un 4 estrellas pero no quiero bajarlas asi que se queda en 5 Alex y henry son la cosita mas tierna y cachonda del mundo, mis protegidos

Cudowna, ciepła i przyjemna książka. Dawno nie uśmiechałam się tak bardzo jak podczas czytania właśnie tej książki. Polecam każdemu

okay this is a review after read this for the second time AND after watched the movie. so. i clearly remember how i felt the first time i've read it, it was the best thing ever happened to me in that time. everything about this story is so dear to me, mostly the characters. loved it, and GO WATCH THE MOVIE BC IT'S AMAZING EVEN WITH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE BOOK...

How long it took me to read this is not a reflection on how good it was, but rather a reflection on my attention span. I loved it- it was equal parts witty & romantic.

It is one of the cutest romance ever idk what else to say I loved it every page had me hooked


this is a reread, i first read this book in its year of publication, hence i've again read the unamended novel. this book was ... difficult for me. i did reread it in anticipation of the movie adaptation of it and, as someone older and slightly more forgiving, i did enjoy it more. evident in that fact that i gave it 3 whole stars when i refused to even rate it 1 when i first read it. positives first: mcquinston can write some good ass chemistry. despite the fact that i can't for the life of me root for them, henry and alex seem like two little jigsaw pieces and it's endearing to read. their emails were especially well written. sometimes i'd get sucked into the bubble of it's just 2 guys in love and then the book would force you to zoom out and then i'd be a witness to their insane wealth and im like "oh. this is the first son and a british prince. alright then". alex's bi awakening hit very close to home so i enjoyed that part of his character. the dialogue was ... interesting at times. i had to keep reminding myself that these people were only a handful of years older than me, yet i'd cringe at some of their conversations. some of alex's one liners would make me laugh, but then it would instantly be ruined by a statement that showed his own ego, which i can see was probably an act of survival considering his heritage and where his mother's job has landed him, but still wasn't less cringey and annoying to read. it's very easy to see why he has like 2 friends (his sister and ex-girlfriend). my main issue with this book is that the main character are who they are. this book was essentially prince harry/genderbent meghan markle political au fanficiton and the closeness to reality made it difficult to enjoy like others have. i can admit my background and circumstances (a british somali-yemeni daughter of a refugee) is not what the average reader has experienced. but i cant for the life of me root for a eton bred, oxford educated prince who could (from my research) abdicate if he hated his birthright so much, but just uses it as a threat to the queen when his relationship is threatened. the way his character deals with his wealth shows me that he would be completely comfortable living in it if his life was not scrutinised as it is and his family and public would accept his sexuality. i'm devoutly anti monarchist, henry is not anti-monarchist enough for me to stand him or root for his happiness. the odd jokey line about how his family had started the worlds worst and horrid moments left a sour taste in my mouth. the same goes for alex, his pro american attitude that he shows sometimes made me put my kindle down. the israel line didn't even phase me, because that is how truly vile the american government is. this book is seemingly written by an sjw who think "well at least a democrat is in the white house!". yawn. gag. can you tell the person who wrote this is white? obviosuly i enjoyed this more in my reread, but then again i've also turned into this weirdo romantic. sweet relationship, i just wish the environment was different. and if i have to read about american voting strategy again i'll shoot my brains out

Quite honestly, one of the all-time best, most heart-warming, hilarious, witty books I have ever read. Really enjoyed the characters, the plots, and their realistic worlds and challenges. None of the drama felt forced or without purpose. And every chapter of this book was a real pleasure. I burned through it, but purposely stopped myself from reading too much at a time because I didn’t want it to be over. Looking forward to what McQuiston published next!

Love is Love!!!! I’m in love in the world this author has created!! These characters are so real and relatable, I would recommend this to anyone who loves a good romance!!

3rd reread literally my fav book of all time

I was hesitant at first (and it was seriously cringey at the beginning) but this was so charming and made my grinch heart grow three sizes once I removed myself from reality and just let myself fall into the story. the dialogue was impeccable! and it was a good reminder that it's okay to read books that won't depress the hell out of you every once in awhile (but not too often, no thank you!)

The emails?? THIS is romance

lgbt doomspiral this is soooo funny

i love the way casey mcquiston writes well rounded characters to the point that the side characters are well rounded

3.5 stars. The .5 is for the sheer amount of escapism in this books. Reading it in 2020 hits differently.

“you me and history, remember? we're just gonna fucking fight. because you're it, okay? i'm never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you.” this fuckingskdjsjdjd book. it was so soft but i also managed to tear up so many times omg

Listen, was it cliche? Yes. Was it realistic? No. Did I love it anyway? Yes. Sometimes in life I just need a helpless romantic book to get me out of a slump. On the other hand it’s reminded me that I am DREADFULLY single at the age of 23 and no prince charming will be in my life any time soon. I am very interested to see how this will play out in the book to film adaption. I do trust Amazon with their previous adaptations, either way, very excited.

Originally published as part of an article for The Nerd Daily. This novel feels so young and fresh, McQuiston managed to create an alternate reality that feels plausible and that has a great mix of fluff and heavy topics. It’s a story that will suck you in and won’t let you go. The 400 pages fly by thanks to the chemistry and the banter shared by the main two characters, Alex and Henry, as well as the different events they go through. The story follows Alex Claremont-Diaz first son of the female president of the United States and Prince Henry of England, both have always been “enemies”, but after an incident, they must pretend to be best friends, for the good of international relationships between the two countries. But they start to become real friends and eventually develop feelings for each other. It’s the perfect book for those who love the enemies-to-lovers trope. The characters are funny, sassy, and smart. It just has the perfect amount of fluff and drama. Another good thing about this book, besides the relationship between Alex and Henry, is the friendships they share with the side characters, who are also a great part of the story and very well written too. The pop-culture references, the witty humour, the portrayal of motivated, and smart young adults who also have struggles… Everything feels so real and along with the fast pace of the prose, it’s what makes this book enjoyable whilst also sharing an important message. You will turn the last page with a great amount of warm and fuzzy feelings that will stay with you for a while.

adorable, the chapters talking about politics were kinda boring (i mean obviously) but I loved Ellen nonetheless and Catherine!

GOD BLESS THIS BOOK IM OUT OF MY READING SLUMP. I loved this book, it made me laugh, squeal. Alex is my fave ngl. I WILL BE CALLING PEOPLE CABBAGES NOW TIS MY NEW INSULT. Its weird to read a book set during 2020 cause..... hunny. a blue Texas, A DREAM. Reread// I apologise for nothing.

omfg, one commenter writes, make out already
That was me

[He] imagines Henry lying opposite in his own bed, two parentheses enclosing 3,700 miles.

When Alex was a kid, before anyone knew his name, he dreamed of love like it was a fairy tale, as if it would come sweeping into his life on the back of a dragon one day. When he got older, he learned about love as a strange thing that could fall apart no matter how badly you wanted it, a choice you make anyway. He never imagined it'd turn out he was right both times.

You see, for me, memories are difficult. Very often, they hurt. A curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back upon because of the absence there, that suddenly they’re inaccessible. You must invent an entirely new system.
That hit a lot harder than I expected. And it's oh so true.

He tips his chin up to the warm, sticky hometown air, catches his own eye in the rearview mirror. He looks bronzed and soft-mouthed and young, a Texas boy, the same kid he was when he left for DC. So, no more big thoughts for today.

They have to figure out how to do this for real now, how to love each other in plain sight.

"Fuckin' ghost me for a week, make me stand in the rain like a brown John Cusack, and now you won't even talk to me. Im really just having a great time here. I can see why all yall had to marry your fucking cousins."

Dear Thisbe,I wish there werent a wall Love Pyramus

"Ugh! Men!" she groans. "No emotional vocabulary. I can't believe our ancestors survived centuries of wars and plagues and genocide just to wind up with your sorry ass,"
ate him up

So what?" he asks. You want me to quit politics and go become a princess? That's not very feminist of you."

When he opens his eyes, Henry's looking back at him, ex- pression unreadable. He feels his own smile grow wider, and Henry turns away and toward the bottle of champagne clutched in his fist, from which he takes a hearty swig before disappearing into the crowd.
ok angst

The song crossfades into another buh duh dum dum-dum, dum- duh-dum duh-duh-dum- "Shut up," Alex yells, cutting off whatever else Henry was saying, shut your dumb face, this is my shít!" He throws his hands up in the air as Henry stares at him blankly, and around them, people start cheering too, hundreds of shoulders shim- mying to the shouty, Lil Jon--flavored nostalgia of "Get Low."

"I'm having my entire life haunted by a deranged American Neanderthal and a pair of turkeys, apparently."

Star Wars fan, are you?" Henry says in a low, warm voice Alex has never heard from him before, pointing at the insignia on her headscarf "Oh, it's mny absolute favorite," Claudette gushes. "I'd like to be just like Princess Leia when I'm older because she's so tough and smart and strong, and she gets to kiss Han Solo."
so real

"Did she just say backyard shooting range?" Henry asks, leaning into Alex's ear. "Is that a real thing a person can have"
“You really have a lot to learn about America, mijo," Oscar tells him, not unkindly.

this book is so bad it’s good

“Henry flinches like he’s been physically slapped. Alex can see it now—this is how he was broken down over the years. Maybe not always as explicitly, but always there, always implied. /Remember your place/.”
This book was not what I was expecting. It was everything. I was expecting it to be the teenage story of a playboy meeting a conservative sad boy, and it mesh into this unrealistic BL-esque drama sequence. Instead, it was healing, optimistic, and energetic. 2016 was rough in US politics, and this is politics that I want to take center stage now. I hope that people who like an easy-laid back-read pick up this book. (Also no one talks about this but the characters have heart).